
Historisches Museum Aurich

During vacation at the german north sea, i was in Aurich. Lovely city and they even have a small historic museum that i visited. It's in the shopping mile within the cities core and only 3,50 Euro entry fee.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

You enter through the front of a regular sized house and find yourself in a larger courtyard with a childrens playground and even an interactive area for childs to take part in the museum.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

In addition to exhibition pieces like weapons and seals, there were lot of models and scenery. You can see among others a monastery, an abbey from the mid 13th hundreds or a grave plant.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

They had coloured maps of the northern planes, that had a lot of moors, and showed the alteration over the time.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

And of course, more models of interesting buildings.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

The museum covered the different epoches of the region, from the medieval ages, through the prussian history up to the involved times of world war two.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

Beside the information sheets for adults, there were smaller stickers for the young, and this one covers the toys in 1800. It says "And boys got tin soldiers", what a great match for wargamers.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

A center piece in on of the upper floors, was this huge model of the Aurich palace around 1700 with the stables, the ward and gardens. Simply impressive.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

Around this huge model were additional information, like an old illustration of the city, maps and a family tree of the nobles.

Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016 Historisches Museum Aurich 2016

I enjoyed the stay in Aurich, you can visit the city and take a look at the seights in around half a day, including the museum. A lovely city, a very nice and appealing museum - i can only recommend it if you're in Lower Saxony (maybe combining it with the tank museum in Munster or the Tactica in Hamburg).

Link: Aurich Historisches Museum


Posted by Dennis B.

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