
Blood Bowl – Treeman

To bring a little more variety to my Old World Alliance team and not just have a "human team with dwarves", I promptly acquired a treeman last year.

Blood Bowl - Treeman


Battlefleet Gothic – The Fleets

There are three projects, that I'll take on with my 3d printer. Epic 30,000 was already introduced with my Imperial Fists, and Battlefleet Gothic so far only teased with the terrain article.

Battlefleet Gothic

I have talked about it in my parking lot theory article, and I don't have any space battle games. I do have naval battles with Black Seas, and faster, skirmishes with Cruel Seas (both only covering the miniature range, not bound to the rule set) in my collection, but as I said, no sci-fi space battles. Of course, there are plenty on the market. There is Full Thrust by Ground Zero Games (a game with an incredible support in the German community), there was / is Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games (Warcradle picked it up again), Star Wars Armada (which I somehow count more like a board game) and is OOP from my point of view. And then ... there was Battlefleet Gothic in 1999 - introduced via White Dwarf and later released as an boxed game.


Blood Bowl Community Team – Part 1

"Apple groves as far as the eye can see." said <lineman 1>.

"What did you expect?" replied <thrower>. "Sauerapfel is known for that, after all. So stop grumbling, we'll get to more inhospitable places soon enough."

   "Not to mention that we can't be picky at the moment anyway." Coach <name> intervened, clearly showing that his mood was dampened. His facial expressions were capable of filling entire books with descriptions of bad moods, and if the boys didn't know better, he could have been mistaken for a dwarf, about to collect his thoughts for an entry in the big Book of Grudges.

   "We don't have the manpower!" he finally began and started talking himself into a rage, first quietly, then getting louder.

   "We lack the match experience. We lack the money to compete in the better leagues. Hell, we lack just about everything to pass for a Blood Bowl team!".

   Angrily, Coach <name> stood up and hurled a bucket that was sitting on the front deck of the ship. The vessel was a passenger ferry, with a large paddlewheel on the left and right sides of its hull keeping it in motion. The paddle wheels, in turn, gained their momentum from a so-called running crew, a couple of rather large guys who were constantly running faster or slower inside a smaller wheel that was located on the inside of the hull and connected to the outer wheel. The momentum of the throw carried the wooden bucket over the railing, causing the halfling, who was the captain of the ship, to shout loudly "That costs extra!" from the helm.

     The ferry on the Reik now ran daily between the Moot and Averland. The area that passed from one county to the next was called the Aver Reach, and was worth passing through for many who were on their way to Zhufbar, the dwarven port city.

   "Shove it!" yelled Coach <name>, flinging a gold coin he had hastily dug out of his pants at the halfling.

"I'd hire you as a player with that attitude to have the field teach you manners, but I can't even get rookies for those few pennies!" he spat after the captain.

   "I'd do it," a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

   The remaining players and Coach <name> turned around in surprise. It was one of the men from the running team who, while still running continuously in the wheel, had turned his head slightly and spoke to the team.

   Another man sitting on a bench next to the wheel now stood up and walked to the wheel. He waved to the man who had just spoken and took his place as he left the wheel with an elegant leap.

"You want to play for Blood Bowl for the team?" laughed <lineman 1>, looking at the runner deprecatingly.

   "At least I can move!" retorted <lineman 2>.

"That won't help you against a decent block either!" said <lineman 1> snarling, and even as he spoke he lashed out, intending to put a haymaker between <lineman 2>'s eyes.

The latter, however, dived and jammed his fist into the pit of <lineman 1>'s stomach with an uppercut, followed by a haymaker against the latter's chin. <lineman 1> slumped to the ground, battered prone.

   "Like this?" asked <lineman 2>.

   Coach <name> stepped closer.

   "Tell you what, kid. If you can do that on the field, I'll give you free food and lodging, and if you can make it to the end of the season, I'll give you fifty."

"Fifty gold coins for just one year?" asked <lineman 2> in amazement.

   An amused grin appeared on the faces of the other players.

   "My boy," Coach <name> now said with an auspicious undertone "I'm talking about fifty thousand...!".


As you can see, the background story without names lacks a bit of bite - well, it wouldn't be hard for me to come up with some names, but actually there is a reason for the placeholders. Because here should be YOUR names, or at least a modified version of them.

At the beginning of the year I expressed my intention to keep more contact to the tabletop community. Since I would like to paint my stock slowly but surely, the idea came up to use one of the Blood Bowl teams, which have not yet been assembled in my house, for this project. No sooner said than done. In a vote the participants have decided for an Old World Alliance Team.

Blood Bowl - Community Team

Filed under: fantasy Continue reading

Dino’s July 2022

To say that July was hectic would be the understatement of the year. First of all, I lost my job, then within two weeks I found another, better one. In between, I tried to catch up on all the private stuff that was left behind during that time.

One could think now " That guy doesn't paint at all!". But against all expectations I even managed to paint more than in the previous months. The first mini has set a small milestone with its completion.

Mortal Gods - Promachos


Journey of the Maulers: Meet the Champions

It's finally here, the last game of Mork's Maulers under the 2016 rules also marks the end of the season and what could be more fitting than a game against a legendary team? Games Workshop has made the list of Gouged Eyes from their championship year available for download, and since I already own a painted Gouged Eyes team from third edition (that hasn't seen a gaming table in a while), it fits like a glove that the Maulers play out their true trial against the champion.Blood Bowl - Bob Bidford & Jim Johnson

Filed under: fantasy Continue reading

Dino’s annual preview 2022

New year, new luck! That's my wish for the year 2022, which unfortunately still stands under the ominous star of the Corona pandemic. But let's assume that by some miracle the almighty and wise governments of this world have found a solution to the problem, what is then on the program for 2022 in terms of hobby?

Well, first of all, I'd like to write the last article of the first season of The Journey of the Maulers - I actually played the game back in December 2020. Admittedly, that's not quite up to date, but for me the conclusion of the first season just feels more rounded that way.

Blood Bowl - The Journey of the Maulers


Dino’s Annual Summary 2020

As regular visitors of the Chaosbunker will have noticed, there have been rather few articles from my hand lately, which is why it's time to approach the year 2021 with a little more consistency and regularity. For many it is certainly no surprise when I say that 2020 was rather mediocre, but let's take a look at it together...

This was 2020

Basically, the year didn't start out bad at all. I went into my ongoing projects with a lot of motivation, wanting to both start a new gang for Frostgrave and finish the one I'd already started.

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure


Journey of the Maulers: Vultures in the sky

The regulations for Corona are tightening again and the next Blood Bowl edition is just around the corner. Reason enough to put my foot down and give you a short summary of the pre-to-last game of the first season of the reformed team of the Maulers.

As usual, I used as many special rules as possible in this match and so it took place in a rpough and ready stadium. Our league reporter Mocky Python has remarked that the Blood Bowl games of ambitious teams in the lower leagues are not for a continuous broadcast, so you'll only see a highligtreel here.

Rough and Ready Stadium

Unclear Markings: The kicking team can move the center line one field forward or backward. Also, as many players as you like can be placed in the side zones.


Blood Bowl - Journey of the Maulers: Vultures in the sky


Journey of the Maulers: The Corona Games

Meanwhile probably everyone has felt the effects of this virulent plague, no matter in which area. Unfortunately this has also had a strong influence on the season of the Maulers. I had already planned a few matches that cannot take place now. As a father of two children, grandparents as neighbors and a pregnant woman who is not allowed to take medication, I had to find an alternative for the remaining three matches of the first Maulers season to avoid exposing my loved ones to unnecessary risk.

The fans want to watch games, Corona or not

Journey of the Maulers: The Corona Games

Coincidentally I have three painted teams standing here and so I tried something that I usually only do to learn rule mechanics - I played against myself. At first it seemed strange to me, but with the new edition on the horizon, time to finish the season is running out and playing a video game on the computer isn't really different.


Blood Bowl – Old World Alliance & Underworld Denizens Pitch

Since a few weeks the Blood Bowl setting has been expanded with a revised Underworld roster and a new Old World Alliance roster. As with almost every team release, special play cards, dice and a pitch come along too. In this review we take a closer look at the latter.

The product costs, depending on the retailer you order it from, about 30,- € and comes in a sturdy packaging. The contents are the typical cardboard for dugouts, the field itself, a foam inlay that prevents the longer dugout from snapping, and the packaging that can be used as a practical slipcase.

Blood Bowl - Old World Underworld Pitch