
Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023

CONflict Rheinland returns for the weekend of May 12th to 14th, once again as an internal affair. And I was there for the third time, after last year's show and the last public one in 2019. And with it being held in Langenfeld, just north of Leverkusen, it is a one-hour drive for me and much quicker than that for the people joining in from the Ruhrarea or Cologne.

And obviously, we can't cover an event, without covering the parking lot first. Lots of space right in front of the venue.

Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023


Frostgrave: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure – Part 7

Somewhat surprisingly, I painted the thief for my Frostgrave warband last month. I can't say myself what drove me there, because usually it takes me quite a while to paint a mini in my style, especially since I'm not the fastest painter anyway.

But somehow I felt like it and the thief, I think I'll call him Garrett, just whizzed across my painting table. Probably the limited color palette has also contributed a lot to that, something that. I probably remember this for an upcoming Oathmark project.

Frostgrave - Thief Frostgrave - Thief

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Dino’s July 2022

To say that July was hectic would be the understatement of the year. First of all, I lost my job, then within two weeks I found another, better one. In between, I tried to catch up on all the private stuff that was left behind during that time.

One could think now " That guy doesn't paint at all!". But against all expectations I even managed to paint more than in the previous months. The first mini has set a small milestone with its completion.

Mortal Gods - Promachos


Frostgrave – Knights

One of the first boxes that came along with the second edition of Frostgrave was the new kit for Knights. But it covers a lot more than just knights, but let's take a closer look into this new plastic set.

Frostgrave - Knights Frostgrave - Knights

Unlike the other troop kits, we have had so far, this just covers 10 models instead of 20, but the sprues and layout are similar to the latest male and female Wizards. You get two sprues of the new unit and a base sprue with 10 round bases with a 25mm diameter. The kit is 15 GBP instead of 20 GBP for the other plastic kits of 20 miniatures.


Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 2

February is known to be a bit shorter than the other months, so you would think that mentally there would be a bit of pressure to finish painting planned minis. Well, maybe it was like that at the beginning, because I finished the last group of skeletons for my Mortal Gods Army of Hades pretty quickly. This surprised myself so much that I just tried to finish the remaining group of zombies and managed to do so, which completed the army.

Mortal Gods - Zombie Reinforcements Mortal Gods - Zombie Reinforcements

With 300 points for the Hades faction, I was satisfied. Now it was time to completely assemble another faction so that I would no longer have to play games with ugly proxies for Mortal Gods.


Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago – Tribals

After covering the Crewmen, the next Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago kit are the tribals we're going to cover. Besides the very obvious temperatures and climate as a difference, in Ghost Archipelago the crew follows a heritor instead of a wizard, and these tribals can be used either as allies or enemies of those treasure seekers.

Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - Tribals Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago - Tribals

The tribals are a generic plastic kit, catching the idea of tribes, native to the jungles of the Lost Isles and isolated from the known world. They are heavily influenced by different cultures from our world, like the Polynesian Samoans or Maori, with some North American and African influences as well.


Dino’s Annual Summary 2020

As regular visitors of the Chaosbunker will have noticed, there have been rather few articles from my hand lately, which is why it's time to approach the year 2021 with a little more consistency and regularity. For many it is certainly no surprise when I say that 2020 was rather mediocre, but let's take a look at it together...

This was 2020

Basically, the year didn't start out bad at all. I went into my ongoing projects with a lot of motivation, wanting to both start a new gang for Frostgrave and finish the one I'd already started.

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure


Pizza, Beers and Frostgrave 2nd Edition

We had a gaming night on wednesday. Florian brought some fine beverages from Frankonia, and I prepared some self-made pizzas for the night.

Using the NY Pizza Dough recipe by Kenji Lopez-Alt as usual, I made a veggie pie with spelt flour for my wife, and a rustica pie with pepperoni, sausage, red onion, corn and bell pepper and a meat lover with pepperoni, beef and sausage. A proper base for some light drinking over the evening, covering Hopfengarten Bamberg Rauschkönig, Überquell World White IPA and Reckendorfer Keller-Bier.

NY Pizza Veggie NY Pizza Rustica NY Pizza Meatlover

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A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades…

…have opened and the last block for the Summer Project 2020 is finished. Since I already had some practice with the skeletons from Warlord Games, it didn't take long to paint the last six of them.

A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades...


Frostgrave – More Characters from Felstadt and the Lost Islands

So we have build quite a couple of Frostgrave kits over the last few weeks, and we have a lot of spare bits to toy around with. As did Dino with his Sword & Sorcery adventure. So let's see.

This is just what's left from both first wizards sprues and added a crewmen and a soldier sprue, as a base.

Frostgrave - More Characters Frostgrave - More Characters