
A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades…

…have opened and the last block for the Summer Project 2020 is finished. Since I already had some practice with the skeletons from Warlord Games, it didn't take long to paint the last six of them.

A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades...

The dog from Mantic Games was probably the quickest off them, as it was made entirely of bone, except for the collar. The biggest problem with the painting this time was probably the sudden heat wave that swept over Germany and made you feel like the turkey in the oven at Thanksgiving.

A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades... A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades...

If you look at how the project started, namely quite unimpressive and under high time pressure, I have to say that the whole thing went quite well. Sure, I could have put in more effort, but you have to be aware that some troops are so fragile in terms of rules that it is rather the overall picture that matters.

A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades... A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades...

When I paint "living" troops again, I will invest a little more time. But before that I'll expand this small force, with greek-looking zombies, to ease up the overall picture a bit. Chaosbunker Daddy Gregor, who could already shine with his Azande and Native Americans, has a few parts left over and will send them to me. So you haven't seen the last contribution to this system yet.

Speaking of systems - the versatility with which you can use the skeletons is quite impressive. They are not only usable for Mortal Gods/Mythic, but also for SAGA - Age of Magic, Warlords of Erewhon or as ordinary critters for Frostgrave.

A stylish pic never hurts the eye...

A miniature Odyssey – The Gates of Hades...

Greetings from the depths of Hades


Posted by Dino

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