
Necromunda – Hive Secundus

Games Workshop adds the third theatre to the Necromunda Underhive with the latest supplement - Hive Secundus.

Necromunda - Hive Secundus Necromunda - Hive Secundus

This new stand-alone starter set throws the gangs of Necromunda into Hive Secundus, providing you with everything you need to get started, two different gangs, a rule book, dice, templates and markers, along with some basic terrain at a RRP of 110 GBP/ 145 EUR.


Warhammer World 2023 – Exhibition Centre Part 3

And the third part of our coverage on the 2023 visits to the Warhammer World exhibition, focusing on the 40,000 part of Warhammer, including the gigantic centre piece of the exhibit further below.

Imperial Might

A huge mustering of the Imperial Guard. This has been in the exhibition since 2015, and can be seen in our 2018 and 2020 coverage, but is updated from time to time, to include newer units. For example the tanks in the front rows have been replaced by the Rogal Dorn Tanks. This time I paid more attention to the background and I really like scratch build supply train in the background, as well as the modified Valkyrie using the wings and eagle from the Aquila Strongpoint of the Wall of Martyrs kit (rare kit and OOP).

Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre


Necromunda – Guild Hall Pt. 2

We left of with the Guild Hall at this stage, but I had the chance to continue the build. I did some mock up drawing about the direction that I wanted to go for. And it was clear, I needed some additional parts.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

I tinkered about a roof in the first post, but first of all I needed to create the supporting structure for that. I went through my terrain sprues and gathered the toppers and need at least 3/4th of a circle to close this. But as they are raised to have a pin for the second floor, I needed to cut those down. I did that using my hobby saw and to strengthen the octagon even further, I glued in some struts, that I repurposed from larger sprues / frames.


Necromunda – Outland Beastmaster with Ripperjacks

The addition of Beastmasters to the new edition of Necromunda was announced with the Book of the Outlands earlier this year, and in mid of December we got actual pictures and not just artwork for these units. The first to come is the Outland Beastmaster with Ripperjacks.

Necromunda - Outland Beastmaster with Ripperjacks

This is not the first time for "animals" to support an Underhive gang, there are for example the Escher Phyrr Cats and Goliath Sumpkroc already available. As this is an addition to the core range, the product is distributed by Forge World and casted in resin and not with injection mould plastic. For that reason you will need super glue for the assembly and it is recommended to wash off the parts in luke warm soap water to remove any release agent, that might still be stuck to the parts.


Necromunda – Promethium Tanks and Refuelling Station

The latest Necromunda plastic kits revisit the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and its options for trailers, adding a new type of container for both the trailer and a terrain piece with the Promethium Tanks and the Refuelling Station.

Necromunda - Promethium Tanks and Refuelling Station

Both kits are available for pre-order from today (November 5th) and will be delivered starting the saturday after that. As the Book of the Outlands previewed some of the (empty) trailers and various load outs, these kits have their rules included in this book (pg. 76 ff.) as well as an addendum to the assembly instructions of the refuelling station (not the cargo-8 trailer). The rules in the book only cover Promethium Tanks as cargo-load of the Cargo-8, the rules for using the Refuelling Stations are only covered inside the kit. We're going to build both, the Promethium Tanks On Cargo-8 Ridgehauler Trailer and the Promethium Tanks Refuelling Station, beginning with the trailer.


Necromunda – Into the Dark Backdrop

Along the new releases of the last months, is a new installment of Kill Team - called Into the Dark this time, and while the game itself is not what caught my attention, it was actually the terrain of this starter set.

With 170 EUR RRP you could probably buy it at FLGS with a bit of discount, sell the gangs and keep the terrain for a proper deal, but I didn't fancy the string of events with if I went down that road, so I picked up the accessories sprue twice and one of the regular wall sections for a total of about 30 EURs plus shipping.

Necromunda - Kill Team Into the Dark Sprues Necromunda - Kill Team Into the Dark Sprues Necromunda - Kill Team Into the Dark Sprues

The accessories sprue is interesting, as I could upgrade my existing terrain (like the Plasma Reactors or Ferratonic Silos) and the upcoming bulkhead terrain builds with them, as they cover point-of-interest that could provide interaction on the table and at a tenner for a full sprue of this bits, I had to get my hands on them. And to save one shipping, I added one of the regular wall sections, to build a backdrop for my Necromunda gangs. About that - I am still working on the 1995s House Orlock Gang.


Necromunda – Goliath Maulers

Along with the latest supplement for Necromunda - Cinderak Burning, the next House to receive vehicles are the Goliath with massive bikes, the Maulers. We've already seen the Outrider Squads from House Orlock and were teased about House Escher's Cutter Jetbikes at Nova earlier this year.

Necromunda - Goliath Maulers Necromunda - Goliath Maulers

Vehicles to Necromunda 2017 are a bit of novelty, just added this year with the Ashwastes. For Necromunda veterans of the mid 90s, this is the first time we receive "proper" officiala rules, as we had to make do with what we had, which meant house rules based upon Gorkamorka and some snippets from Citadel Journal. Especially if you take a look on how Necromunda started the relaunch. Gone were the days of bulkhead terrain, you played on a flat surface and now we're not just out in the open, but quiet mobile in our gang warfare.


Necromunda – 1995s House Orlock Gang

I have finished a Middlehammer Chaos warband, I have finished a 90s Blood Bowl Chaos team and now it is time to jump into Sci-Fi. And what better miniature stock to do so by taking a look at Necromunda?

Necromunda has roots in the Rogue Trader era as well. Not entirely unlike Blood Bowl, it had a predecessor. In this case called Confrontation (not to be confused with the game by Rackham), which wasn't released as a boxed game but as published across multiple issues of the White Dwarf Magazine in 1990 and 1991 (Mordheim initially went for a similar approach and was published across multiple issues in White Dwarf until it was released as a boxed game). Confrontation shared a lot of similarities with Necromunda, like the gang warfare setting in a Hive City, yet had a different design approach, as you can see from the artwork and miniatures.

Necromunda - Confrontation Necromunda - Confrontation Necromunda - Confrontation Hive Gangers


Necromunda – Outlanders Stock

I went over my Necromunda Underhive stock and did an update to the 2021 article, as I managed to complete large part of the collection, extending into the Outlanders supplement as well as beyond. From the core collection, I'm only missing a single Goliath ganger and I'd like to share the status quo of the extended Underhive collection.

Just to bring you up to date, a brief repetition from the last article: What is Necromunda about? It is a 28mm skirmish between the street gangs of the bigger Houses on the planet Necromunda, fighting over supply contracts, mines and facilities. And all that in the underground of a megacity (so very 2000 AD) in the Warhammer 40.000 universe. With the character / gang development it even included a narrative part, to tell the story of your own gang, with all the ups and downs that belong to it. And that narrative part is simply the cherry on top of that old school goodness.


Necromunda – Ash Waste Nomads Dustbacks and Wy’tari Stormcaller

We're closing the Ash Waste reviews series after the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler last month and Ironhead Prospectors earlier this week (breaking the 300 review barrier by the way! Yay!). And today we're looking at the Ash Waste Nomads, primarely the Wy'tari Stormcaller.

Necromunda - Ash Waste Nomads Dustbacks and Wy’tari Stormcallers

Games Workshop sent the the Stormcaller kit by Forge World and I traded one of the Prospector sprue against one of the Dustback Helamites to add a bit of more content to this review. That's why I'm only showing the sprue and not the box set or instructions, but it should work either way.