Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part XIII
Here they are, the Realm of Chaos undivided warband - Hooves and Fur.
I am quite proud, that I made it and happy as well, that I managed to pick up the brush again and complete a self-contained project. The banner of the chieftain took a bit of time last evening. I was thinking about going for tattoos on the flayed skin, but I don't have the steady hand to do so. As for the Minotaur, due to its size, quite the surface, but well used with the vest and such. So not that big of a challenge as I expected it. Just the eyes are quite deep in the skull and eye brows very low, so you don't see a lot of them anyway.
These two lacked a certain amount of details to be honest. If you take a look at the studio miniatures, you'll see they basically painted them Boltgun metal, washed them with badab black and gave them a very light drybrush with Mithril Silver. So nothing exciting and when you're looking at the miniatures, you got the fur and lots of metal, so it really takes a bit of creativity to make them pop in anyway. As the scales and chainmail isn't that detailled, its a bit time consuming to highlight the edges. Anyhow, done is done and the little battle damage on the face plate is okay.
Added the usual Army Painter Steppe Grass and these four were done.
Even these few are so many models, that it is difficult to pose them all together on a single picture. But here they are.
And I am preparing a few scenic shots with the warband, and hopefully a few more along some battle reports, here's a quick teaser.
I am - almost - done! The the undivided Hooves and Fur part is finished and painted, to complete the summer project I still need to paint the two nurgle miniatures.
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