
Star Wars Legion – Crashed Escape Pod

After the crashed X-Wing, we cover the next crashed terrain from the Star Wars Legion Battlefield Expansion SWL 43 - the Crashed Escape Pod.

Star Wars Legions - Battlfield Expansion Crashed Escape Pod Star Wars Legions - Battlfield Expansion Crashed Escape Pod

And this is just not any battlefield expansion, but included R2-D2 and C-3PO  as well, as it recreates their use of the escope pod to smuggle the Death Star plans off the Tantive IV, while crashing upon Tatooine in Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope.


April 2024 review

Welcome to May 2024! A lot of things going on behind the scenes, as May is packed with tasks. Just last friday the 4th shipment of Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer arrived!

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 14 to 19 Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 14 to 19 Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Premium Issue - Krondys Son of Dracothion

While we continue with the Stormcast Eternals warband for Warcry, a lot of the content might be interesting for reviews, just like we did with the Annihilators. With the items from the Stormbringer shipment 3 (Issue 08 to 13) and shipment 4 (Issue 14 to 19), we will very likely cover the following kits, including two Warhammer Underworld warbands:


Star Wars Legion – Crashed X-Wing

We are going to take a deep dive into Star Wars for a few weeks and we start with the SWL 100 - Crashed Ex-Wing Battlefield Expansion for Star Wars Legion.

Star Wars Legions - Battlfield Expansion Crashed X-Wing Star Wars Legions - Battlfield Expansion Crashed X-Wing

Along with the regular units, Asmodee / Atomic Mass Games released supplements for the game that not just worked as terrain pieces, but covered rules like scenarios and additional gaming material to it. In this case the crashed X-Wing isn't alone, but comes with a female pilot, which doubles as a mission objective.


Star Wars Shatterpoint – Take Cover Terrain Pack

The second terrain set for Star Wars Shatterpoint after the High Ground set is the more compact Take Cover Terrain Pack.

Star Wars Shatterpoint - Take Cover Terrain Pack Star Wars Shatterpoint - Take Cover Terrain Pack

To classifiy Shatterpoint within the Star Wars miniatures games, as a 40mm scale skirmish it is a bit taller than the platoon level 1:48 / 32-35mm scale of Star Wars Legions. And as such creates the need for a different kind of terrain, as you only have about 8 models per side on the table and not entire units as well as vehicles.


Star Wars Shatterpoint – High Ground Terrain Pack

"It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground." - This is what Obi-Wan said to Anakin Skywalker in Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith, and that is name patron for the Star Wars Shatterpoint High Ground Terrain Pack. And it is a proper palette cleanser after some weeks in the epic scale to move towards terrain and something bigger than 10mm.

Star Wars Shatterpoint - High Ground Terrain Pack Star Wars Shatterpoint - High Ground Terrain Pack

To give you a brief introduction, Star Wars is one of the IP that Asmodee holds and offers various games within the Star Wars universe. While X-Wing or Armada are clearly different, what is the difference between Star Wars Legions and Star Wars Shatterpoint? Legions is a platoon based game, giving you a small to mid-size army, including troops and vehicles in 1:48 scale (~35mm scale) with realistic proportions and Shatterpoint is even bigger than that, going for 40mm scale with more overdrawn, cartoonish proportions, but reducing the scope of the game towards a skirmish with about 6 to 8 models per side.


October 2023 review

The post man was quite busy this month, as was Dino with his extensive coverage on Mortal Gods. And one of the events I managed to squeeze in this month was the SPIEL in Essen. And one of the few things, I picked up at the show, was this nice SioCast miniatures. If that name rings a bell, we've seen the machines at the Warlord Games studio. I'm looking forward to drop by their booth at Formnext on November 8th.

SioCast - Spiel 2023 Event Miniature

As I said, the post man was busy, and while I'm still working on the second Italy campaign book for Bolt Action, Tough Guts, which follows up on Soft Underbelly, and my backlog became a bit bigger (incl. the things I brought back from the BOYL trip, another Sd.Kfz. variant).


May 2023 review

In May we had another wargaming event, and I was at CONflict Rheinland, and I can't wait for the next event - which might not be earlier than August with BOYL (yes, we booked our flights). But as I said, had a great time at Langenfeld, met new people and played some games.

Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 - Barons War Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 - Frostgrave Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 - Battlefleet Gothic


Stargrave – a Star Wars Story isn’t shattered

So, while I'm preparing my own Star Wars skirmish on a squad based level with Stargrave ruleset - using the platoon level range of Star Wars Legions miniatures and after market 3d print files, Atomic Mass Games announced that they will release Stars Wars - Shatterpoint, a squad based skirmish.

But as I pointed out, why Star Wars is a problematic tabletop IP and why FFG/AMG/Asmodee isn't doing that kind of a proper job supporting SWL, I came across this meme and it really brings it to the point. From the first looks it is a white label of Marvel Crisis Protocol, so even from a Star Wars skirmish point of view, this seems to be a very high fantasty skirmsh-scale hero brawler. On top, with yet another scale, to cut of the repurpose of miniatures from other ranges.


Stargrave – A Star Wars Story Pt 3

What is Stargrave about? I covered the main rulebook and what it is about in a review on here, and now it is time to start with our Star Wars themed skirmish. We got the rules, what's next? The miniatures.

Asmodee, or Fantasy Flight Games as the coordinating company, has a bit of a problem ensuring the stock of Star Wars Legions, so you maybe not as flexible as you want to be - depending on what kind of army or warband you want to play. I had to order at multiple stores to get my hands on these boxes. Absolutely chosen by the rule of cool, so no meta, weaponry, rule decisions so far. I just bought what I fancied, and would make for a stock of Rebels as well as Imperial troops.

Star Wars Legions - Rebels Star Wars Legions - Empire

In detail I got to start with;


Stargrave – A Star Wars Story Pt 2

As mentioned in the first article, I bought the first models online on Etsy and printed the later ones at home, so let us see, what you get for your money online.

If you're not a patreon but buying the files individually (especially if you joined later) the question for make or buy was - especially without a printer - not that big of a decision. At 5,20 USD for STLs versus 10,99 EUR printed and shipped it is a close call (in low numbers).

Skull Forge Studios - Authority Viscount Star Wars - 3d Printed 2nd Wave