
Necromunda – Guild Hall Pt. 2

We left of with the Guild Hall at this stage, but I had the chance to continue the build. I did some mock up drawing about the direction that I wanted to go for. And it was clear, I needed some additional parts.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

I tinkered about a roof in the first post, but first of all I needed to create the supporting structure for that. I went through my terrain sprues and gathered the toppers and need at least 3/4th of a circle to close this. But as they are raised to have a pin for the second floor, I needed to cut those down. I did that using my hobby saw and to strengthen the octagon even further, I glued in some struts, that I repurposed from larger sprues / frames.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

The regular topper available from the Sector Mechanicus is a bit to small, so I looked up something wider, and Seven United just had some fitting designs, that I ordered at MegaSonicPunch.

It was printed from PolyTerra PLA and can be glued with super glue.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

Next up the dome along with some pipelines and short walls to separate the sections around the Guild Hall.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

The pipes have small inserts, where you can cut them down pretty easily. I did a mockup how to connect the bottom and top layer with a "chimney". I needed to use the connectors to create the proper length in all directions.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

I still had to tinker around, to make sure everything fits.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

And I thought about various toppers for the chimney, kept the option with a flat top, that I can magnetize or later on put something that tapers towards the top.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

As for scale, it works quite well with the Nec95 range, provides proper space to move around and ontop, along with some barricades and blocking of line of sight.

Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall Necromunda - Guild Hall

This terrain piece will get a small base to strengthen the overall build and add some scatter pieces and grunge on the bottom part, to make it blend in better with the other terrain on the table. As for the overall paint job, I would like to keep it in a grey-ish blue with some pale yellow contrasts, just like the old terrain.

Posted by Dennis B.

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