
Pizza, Beers and Frostgrave 2nd Edition

We had a gaming night on wednesday. Florian brought some fine beverages from Frankonia, and I prepared some self-made pizzas for the night.

Using the NY Pizza Dough recipe by Kenji Lopez-Alt as usual, I made a veggie pie with spelt flour for my wife, and a rustica pie with pepperoni, sausage, red onion, corn and bell pepper and a meat lover with pepperoni, beef and sausage. A proper base for some light drinking over the evening, covering Hopfengarten Bamberg Rauschkönig, Überquell World White IPA and Reckendorfer Keller-Bier.

NY Pizza Veggie NY Pizza Rustica NY Pizza Meatlover

Florian prepared a demo of the 2nd edition of Frostgrave for me. We used Warcry terrain and a mixed set from my Frostgrave miniatures (mostly North Star, but some Gripping Beast and Crusader miniatures). As we were just out for a quick match to show me the new rules, we used the smaller than suggested cardboard game plan from the Warcry/Kill Team boxes. Small warbands as well, each a Wizard with Apprentice, a Knight, a Crossbowmen and three fighters. He went for a chronomancer, I used an elementalist for our small treasure hunt. Of course, with a rather compact map, we got quickly to them, but the battle was initiated rapidly as well. Amusing gameplay, felt a bit random on some parts (the modifiers of +1/-1 don't do much on a D20...) but overall easy going.

Frostgrave - 2nd Edition Frostgrave - 2nd Edition Frostgrave - 2nd Edition Frostgrave - 2nd Edition Frostgrave - 2nd Edition Frostgrave - 2nd Edition

As Flo is commuting between the UK and Germany, I have the chance to send some eBay and 2nd hand within UK to save postage and have him bring the items along on his next trip. So this time I was able to get my hands on the last Blood Bowl team that I was missing from the 3rd edition, the Athelorn Avengers, and two event miniatures that I was looking for - Salute 2005 St. George and Salute 2006 Arthur & Mordred.

Blood Bowl - Athelorn Avengers Salute 2005 + 2006 miniature

Was fun to have a game after such a longer break and some kind of guys night in these wild times. As Crisis and some other events won't be hosted this year, I will continue with the throwbacks to make up for that in event coverage.

Posted by Dennis B.

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