
Imperial Space Marine LE2 1986 and 2016

Finally found it! I was looking for the LE2 Space Marine from 1985 for quite a while and last week I got the miniature for my collection. And he completes the duo, along with the first LE1 Space Orc (Yes, with an C and not a K).

Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02 Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02

The miniature was released with a hexagon base as the second miniature from a limited edition series, and later released as a regular Space Marine from the Rogue Trader era, and seeing the material on my copy, it is most likely a Mail Order cast from the late 90s. It was sculpted by Bob Naismith back in the day.

In 2016 for the 30th anniversary of the model, Games Workshop re-released the miniature as an upgraded plastic kit - Imperial Space Marine 2016.

Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02

A few comparison shots, on how close the new model is, yet improved on detail.

Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02 Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02 Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02 Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02

Games Workshop even provided rules for the classic release, and the miniature was about 25 EUR back when it was released. A copy should be around 30-35 EUR if you're looking for one.

Oldhammer - Imperial Space Marine LE02

I am quite happy that I find this missing piece from my collection, and I still have to decide about a way to present the collection on here. Any how, the gaps in my collection narrow done quite a bit, I managed to get my hands on some of the Salute shows from the early 00's that I still missed out on, and so far I only "need" the two models from the Age of Chivarly release for Warhammer Historical.

Posted by Dennis B.

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