
Salute Teaser & Preview

Just booked my flights for Salute. April 16th it is, at ExCel exhibition hall in London. So pack your bags, grab your pounds and get ready to spend some of that quids on plastic, resin and lead.

Salute 2016

I will bring my dslr and cover the show for you, but beforehand a few teasers and previews on what we can expect and what i am already excited about.

Renedra (booth TE13) announced a new plastic terrain kit over the last few weeks on facebook, that will cover a tower and walls. With these sprues, you can build a stronghold or castle, and i am really looking forward to these.

Renedra - plastic tower & castle Renedra - plastic tower & castle Renedra - plastic tower & castle

The Perrys (TE15) had already the chance to tinker around a bit with the parts, and did a mock-up of an abbey that can be seen on Facebook. Looking good, doesn't it? Of course the Perrys won't come empty handed, bringing their new plastic british for the 2nd afghan / zulu wars.

Renedra - Perry conversion abbey

Crooked Dice (GD11), of whom i covered the Danger 5 starter, will be expanding the 2nd Edition of 7TV. As a show exclusive, you'll be able to buy a cameraman (or receive him on any order above 50 gbp) and then there is this beauty to be pre-released on Salute 2016, the PX1 for the Paranormal Exterminators. Who you gonna call?

Crooked Dice - PX1 Crooked Dice - PX1

Then we have another plastic manufacturer from the UK, Victrix Ltd (TG10). They will expand their ancient ranges, and announced a few bold codes for the Iberians. Unarmoured and armoured iberian warriors and balearic slingers.

Victrix - Iberian Armoured Warriors Victrix - Balearic Slingers Victrix - Iberian Unarmoured Warriors

Over at their facebook feed, they even previewed the matching cavalry, coming later this year.

Victrix - Iberian Cavalry

Megaton Games will be there as well (booth TL16), covering their Mechabrick and Armoured Syndicate. You can look up the review on their El Toro resin kit here at chaosbunker.

Megaton Games - Armoured Syndicate El Toro

And of course, Warlord Games will be there (TG04). Expect some novelties across the whole range. They announced Project Z for Salute as a major release, then we will surely see some 3-Ups of upcoming plastic kits for Bolt Action (*cough* US Airborne) and some more plastic love for Gates of Antares, along with the new Isorians.

Warlord Games - C3 Plastic Vehicle sprues Warlord Games - Plastic US Airborne Warlord Games - Project Z

Studio Miniatures (TA16), currently hitting their Hollywood Havoc Kickstarter and stocking their Medieval Mayheim (It's just a flesh wound ... to my wallet).

Studio Miniatures - Black Knight Studio Miniatures - Sorcerer Tim Studio Miniatures - Hollywood Havoc

Gripping Beast (TK13) just announced their Salute 2016 releases, so far we had the chance to glimpse at the 3-ups of the late romans - coming in plastic. With the cavalry following shortly. Along with the plastics, there are a few releases for Saga, among others priests and banner bearer.

Gripping Beast - 3-Up Late Romans Saga - Christian Priest Saga - Scots War Banner Bearer

This is a brief introduction of the many, many traders at Salute this year. And of course there are a huge amount of games to participate. What are you looking forward to at Salute? Comment below, and remember sharing is caring.

Link: Salute - South London Warlords

Posted by Dennis B.

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