
Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part V

It is day 16 of the summer project's first block - 15 days to go and what is the current status quo?

Well, after applying the base colours in the last step, Hooves and Fur Part IV, so step 1.5 would be clean up and washes.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

In detail that meant:

  • Weapons, Bracelets, Noserings - Army Painter Weapon Bronze WP1133
  • Complete Wash #1 - Army Painter Strong Tone WP1135
  • Wash #2 just on Hair/Fur - Army Painter Strong Tone WP1135

Let that thoroughly dry, which is very important with washes, so we're talking about hours not just a few minutes.

Now for the first layer of highlights.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

I went mostly with the base colours again for the first broader highlights.

  • Short fur / Skin - Vallejo Game Color 72.043 Marrón Bichos / Beasty Brown
  • dry brush Wood of the weapons - 50/50 Army Painter Oak Brown WP1124 with Army Painter Filthy Cape WP1424
  • Hornes, Teeth and Hooves - Army Painter Skeleton Bone WP1125
  • Leather - Vallejo Game Color 72.039 Marrón Peste / Plague Brown
  • Eyes - Army Painter Lava Orange WWP1106
  • dry brush Bases - Citadel Graveyard Earth (discontinued) or Army Painter Leather Brown WP1123
  • Black Lining with Army Painter Darktone WP1136

We're pretty close. On some parts like the horns you have to do a bit of freehand, as the details are not as sharp as on other models. But we're heading into the second phase of highlights.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

  • Leather - Vallejo Game Color 72.006 Amarillao Soleado / Sun Yellow
  • Eyes - Vallejo Game Color 72.006 Amarillao Soleado / Sun Yellow
  • Short fur - Army Painter Monster Brown WP1120, but had to redo the whole layer with a 50/50 of VGC Beasty Brown and AP Fur Brown WP1122, as Monster brown just looks too dry and light, it's more something to drybrush the bases with in this case.
  • Hooves, Horns and Teeth - Pegasus Leinenweiß (Reaper 9061 Linen White)
  • drybrush Bases - Army Painter Monster Brown WP1120

And now for the very close to last steps on these, the third highlights

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

3. Highlights

  • light drybrush Bases - Formula P3 Hammerfall Khaki
  • Bronce - Army Painter Greedy Gold WP1132
  • Weapons and some of the armour - Army Painter Shining Silver WP1129
  • very light drybrush Wood - Army Painter Filthy Cape WP1424
  • Faces / Snouts - Army Painter Kobold Skin WP1434
  • Fine Black Lining - Army Painter Darktone WP1136
  • Tongues and Blood - Army Painter Pure Red WP1104 (darkened with Darktone and added Gloss Varnish), done like this due to lack of Citadel Blood for the Bloodgod.

So these are complete and more or less are just waiting for the flock on their bases. And three shields that I am already working on.

I used some plastic shields from historical kit, as they are a bit smaler and more diverse. I'll give them the same treatment as the leather, with a copper buckle.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

We still have plenty of time for this block, but I'll complete this soon and begin with the next one having a bit more time on my hand.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. These are coming along very nicely, great work!

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