
Necron Invasion

Necrons are a fixed part of the 40k universe, and most people probably don't remember a Grim Dark Future without them. They were around since the early days, but more design-wise. The Chaos-Androids from Space Crusade / StarQuest are clear predecessors of the later Necron design, but the Necrons were properly introduced to the game mere months before the end of the 2nd edition in White Dwarf 217 and 218 (January and February 1998 - German issues #25 and #26). In the third edition they should shine, with a full codex in 2002 along with proper plastic kits.

Warhammer 40,000 - Classic Necron Miniatures

But in this "small" time frame in 1998 from January to September (because in October 1998 the third edition dropped) all we had were a few pages of units for an entire army. Because all you could place were the only HQ choice they had, a Necron Lord, the regular Necron Warriors along with scarabs and the Destroyers for support. That was the entire armylist. We even had some Immortal sculpts, but now rules for those.


TabletopWelt Paint Meeting 2024

For the third time, Robert aka Grinsemann of Wolpertinger Miniatures organised the TabletopWelt Maltreff (Painting Meeting), and this time - after some mild persuasion by Dino - I joined in.

TabletopWelt - Maltreffen 2024 Rittergut Lützensömmern

The venue is a youth hostel, located within an old manor in the Eastern part of Germany, in Thuringia about half an hour north of Erfurt. But more on that later.