
Bolt Action Blitzkrieg Infantry & Pioniers

For the early war years, Bolt Action has given the German troops two new boxes, the "Blitzkrieg" Infantry and the Pioneers box with the addition of pewter parts.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

The boxes cost 25 and 28 GBP and contain 30 / 31 models. Let's take the first look at the all-plastic early infantry box.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry

The Blitzkrieg Infantry box contains 30 models, spread over 5 sprues with 6 models each. Also included are 30 flat 25mm round bases and a building instruction / info sheet.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry

The sprues are of course again produced by Renedra and show the usual high level of quality. The details come across very well and crisp, the layout and utilisation of the frame is sensible. The mould lines is minimal and quickly removed.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry

Bolt Action has once again raised the bar a notch. In direct comparison with the "original kit" of the German troops, the jump is so incredibly huge. The poses are more dynamic, walking and lying models, a great combination.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry

In the past, these boxes came with additional sprues for the weapons. All the equipment is more modular and integrated in the regular sprue, carbine 98K rifles in different variants (bayonet, telescopic sight), MP38 and 40 submachine gun, Luger pistol, light MG34 and stick grenades (the well-known "potato mashers").

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Early War German Infantry

The assembly instructions are one page and show all the parts included and a few examples of assembly.

Based on the Blitzkrieg Infantry is the German Pioneers box. For 28 GBP it includes the 5 sprues with 30 plastic models, plus an extensive pewter set (at just £3 extra), which includes another body, bringing the total number of buildable miniatures to 31.

Bolt Action - German Pioniers

As well as the 5 sprues, plus 30 bases (as it is, one is missing, but the weapons teams are posed on larger bases), the pewter set shown in detail below is included, along with a double-sided instruction booklet.

Bolt Action - German Pioniers
Bolt Action - German Pioniers Bolt Action - German Pioniers Bolt Action - German Pioniers

The bonus set of the pioneers is very extensive. In addition to numerous weapons, such as the Flamethrower 35, Wien 41 mine detector, "concentrated charge" anti-tank grenade, Grenade Rifle 39, Goliath small tank, wire cutters, stick grenades, explosive devices, assault pistol, plate mines, numerous bags and backpacks. This is all in addition to the equipment included with the plastic sprues.

Bolt Action - German Pioniers Bolt Action - German Pioniers

The double-sided assembly instructions cover an explanation of the contents of the plastic casting frames and, in addition, a few recommendations for assembling the plastic-pewter combinations on the back.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

The sprues each offer 6 different poses. Four upright poses, moving or standing, one kneeling pose and one lying pose with two optional legs as shown in the second picture.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

These bodies supplemented by the pewter parts allow on the one hand to equip the pioneers with numerous submachine guns, as the army list selection allows, but also with numerous equipment, which clearly distinguishes the pioneers as such from the other troops.

We have used all the pewter parts to show what rich possibilities the pioneer box offers. The plastic kit already allows for very solid and dynamic models. Supplemented by the pewter parts, there are very characterful individual models, with remote controlled Goliath tank, mine detector or the very coherent soldier with flamethrower and protective clothing.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

Some support characters can also be built, perfect for small dioramas and to lighten up the classic soldier poses. The pioneer lying on his back with wire cutters and other soldiers carrying equipment and ammunition. The pewter heads and pouches alone add welcome variety and extra variation.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

If you use all the parts, and in this example the whole thing was not even pushed to the maximum, you create a large force of very different, individual models.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

In the close-up, the even higher quality of the pewter and plastic casting becomes clear, as do the faces full of character.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

Of course, no size comparison should be missing from the review. Warlord Games remains true to the heroic 28mm scale with Bolt Action. The pewter heads are slightly larger than their plastic counterparts, but this is not noticeable at arm's length or playing distance. The second picture shows the comparison with the old German box. And the third shows a pewter figure from Bolt Action on the left, next to it a Perry Desert Rat, in the middle a model from the presented boxes and on the far right a German Fallschirmjäger, also from Bolt Action.

Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers Bolt Action - Blitzkrieg Infantry + German Pioniers

The 25 GBP plastic box brings 3x squads of 10 to the table for Bolt Action, complete with weapons teams and a few options. For just 3 GBP more, the Pioneer Box adds so much value that this upgrade should always be chosen. The Bitz are also eminently suitable for other troops, from command staff to veterans.
The boxes are certainly not as cheap as Gripping Beast or Perry, but the price is still extremely fair and offers excellent value for money.

The quality offered in terms of casting has further improved in both pewter and plastic. The design has also been improved, which is a good thing, especially in view of Bolt Action's growing range.

Bolt Action is a brand of Warlord Games.

The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.

Posted by Dennis B.

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