SdKfz 7 for the Afrikakorps – but which variant?
Didn't we need a tow for the 8,8 cm FlaK? Here it is! The mighty Sd.Kfz. 7, or Sonder-Kraftfahrzeug 7 − Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8t (German for medium towing motor vehicle 8t) as the full name of this interesting vehicle was. So far, there are a couple of resin kits on the market, and then Rubicon came along with a plastic kit.
The Rubicon kit comes with a few variants incl., it can be build open or closed, so covers a tarpaulin for the back seats, or can be build with a flat bed to cover the Sd.Kfz. 7/1 and 7/2 variants, sporting different FlaK guns on the back.
So far so good. But, wait that is not strong enough - BUT! there is more to the Sd.Kfz. 7. I could build it as the regular tow, with the seats in the back. It is a regular sight in this way, as you can see from pictures from the Bundesarchiv, as well as the Revell kit (1:72 03210 incl. the 8,8 FlaK). The Rubicon kits covers this variant, but does not come with stowage. The Black Dog accessoires are a good inspiration on how to upgrade the "stock" kit.
So that would cover the regular Sd.Kfz. 7, but based upon the chassis there were further variants
- Sd.Kfz. 7/1 − Selbstfahrlafette 2-cm-Flakvierling 38 auf Fahrgestell Zugkraftwagen 8 t (self-propelled anti-aircraft half-track)
- Sd.Kfz. 7/2 − Selbstfahrlafette 3,7-cm-Flak 36 auf Fahrgestell Zugkraftwagen 8 t (self-propelled anti-aircraft half-track)
- Sd.Kfz. 7/3 – Feuerleitpanzerfahrzeug für Raketen A4 (Startkontrollwagen) (Observation and command post for the V-2 ballistic missile)
- Sd.Kfz. 7/6 − Flugabwehrmesswagen / FlaK-Messtrupp-Kraftwagen (anti-aircraft survey party vehicle)
The Sd.Kfz. 7/6 is a rare vehicle and had cable drums on the fenders and a large box in the back, so most likely the easiest to convert from the regular kit. The most elaborate would be the 7/3 with the rombus shaped super-structure.
Some of the resin kits available of the Sd.Kfz. 7 are the variants /1 or /2 with the AA-guns on the flat-bed. Rubicon created the kits in a way, that the 2cm Flak Vierling and Flak 36 kits could be either towed or put on the back (with a bit modification easily swap-able and mixed between self-propelled and stand-alone gun). So by that, the decision has to be made between regular Sd.Kfz. 7 and the two 7/1 and 7/2 variants.
But - as I mentioned above there is more and not that easy to decide. The self-propelled variants were sometimes converted with armoured cabs. I found a couple of pictures online, from Osprey books, a Revell kit (1:72 3207), and the remaining two pictures from Panzer-Bau.
So, Sd.Kfz 7, 7/1 or 7/2? With or without armoured cabin? I think the armoured cabin would be possible to be scratch build from plastic card with moderate difficulty. Especially as it is a rather boxy construction. I would try to create a template for others to recreate it on their own.
What's your take on this? With variant I should go for?
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