
Bolt Action – Battlefield Debris

Warlord Games prepared a bundle of scatter terrain called Battlefield Debris and in todays review we will take a closer look into the box.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

As 50 GBP is quite the price tag for a set of scatter terrain, it is important to know what you get. So let's see what the six bags with grey and brown plastic terrain covers. From my first impression, this set looks very similar to Mantic Games' terrain crates, both in style and material. So I assume that this is a result of a joint venture or repurposed items.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

In the two bags with brown items, you get;

  • Bag 1 - Two ruined wall sections, a barricade made from furniture, a drawer cabinet and a teddy bear.
  • Bag 2 - a cupboard, a desk, chair and couch, a sink and a toilet.

The material has a slight oily touch, so it might be a good idea to give it a quick wash in luke warm soap water prior to further handling. It is more flexibel than regular hard plastic, a bit as if rubber was mixed into the material.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

The bags with the grey items are made from the same rubbery material, just a different tint.

  • Bag 3 - Multiple ruined wall sections and a broken telegraph pole.
  • Bag 4 - A statue's socket, a burned down outhouse, two make-shift barricades and ruined wall section
  • Bag 5 - Sand bags, crates, oil drums, a stack of tires and a sign
  • Bag 6 - Sand bags, ammunition crates, a turnpike, a guard house and a dog.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

Some pieces need a bit of clean up, either mould lines or bend smaller pieces. The later can be fixed similar to resin by dipping the piece in warm water and realigning it. You can bend them without the heat treatment, but the result should be easier to achive by doing it.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

The battlefield debris can be used to set up some vignettes or scenic pieces, for example this check point.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

Or some barricades, fitting city fights, as they are not simply rubble but gathered belongings and items from nearby houses and ruins.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

Quite interesting are the interior details, that could be used to set up a house. These are rather timeless and could be used for world war two, moderns and zombie apokalypse.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

I used some of the furniture with a detailled MDF building, to give you an idea what you can do with it. Once painted it will certainly upgrade the final impression.

Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris Bolt Action - Battlefield Debris

I am not a huge fan of the material, it is a bit too soft and bendy for my taste. Had the same problem when I bought one of the sci-fi terrain crates. But the quality is overall better here, as the sci-fi furniture was heavily warped. The price of 50 GBP for 32 pieces is okay-ish, almost reasonable but I guess that the buyer would have a better experience if it was closer to a 40 GBP range. Yes, the 50 GBP seems a bit steep at first, but keep in mind how expensive small blisters of scatter terrain can be and you get 6 of them here, at 10 GBP each, you're already above the RRP.

It is a rather broad set, that adds a lot of things to your scatter terrain collection. They fit very well with world war and modern scenarios of different kind. Due to its nature, they should work quite well with the Stalingrad campaign.

Overall I think this is an interesting set, and I'd like to see further terrain crates, to add to the MDF buildings they have in their range. Maybe something that covers the Pacific or more barricades.

Bolt Action is a brand of Warlord Games.

The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.

Posted by Dennis B.

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