
Dino’s annual preview 2022

New year, new luck! That's my wish for the year 2022, which unfortunately still stands under the ominous star of the Corona pandemic. But let's assume that by some miracle the almighty and wise governments of this world have found a solution to the problem, what is then on the program for 2022 in terms of hobby?

Well, first of all, I'd like to write the last article of the first season of The Journey of the Maulers - I actually played the game back in December 2020. Admittedly, that's not quite up to date, but for me the conclusion of the first season just feels more rounded that way.

Blood Bowl - The Journey of the Maulers

Will it continue with Blood Bowl then? Well, maybe. I'm planning on doing some streaming for the hobby on Twitch and YouTube this year, where I'd like to get closer to my goal from last year of interacting more with the community.

The idea was to dedicate a painted model and a background story to especially active followers. At this point, however, I must mention that this will be in the context of a new team, because, even if the Maulers now already had a break of one year, I somehow do not feel ready to continue their journey yet. I'll probably go back to my existing pool. The following teams are available to choose from:

  • Humans
  • Dwarves
  • Old World Alliance
  • Elf Union
  • Chaos Renegades


Yes, I have other teams, but with these rosters I can currently befriend myself with well and the painting would be fun for me too. So give your "voting" to the teams and leave us a few lines in the comments there if you like the idea.

Which team shall it be? Humans...

Blood Bowl - Humans


Blood Bowl - Dwarfs

...Old World Alliance...

Blood Bowl - Old World Alliance

...Elf Union...

Blood Bowl - Elf Union

...or Renegades

Blood Bowl - Renegades

I'll probably only be able to paint a portion of the team, but that shouldn't detract from the idea, because even if it takes longer, the end result will be a beautiful, characterful team to look at in the display case and on the old world sports fields.

Apart from that I want to finish the project I started - so that means there will be more Mortal Gods including terrain to see this year. If I'm doing well in my new job and have some time left, I'll also share some battle reports, which is also in line with my intention to interact more with the community, because I want to play against you if possible.

The BB players are stand-ins for the community choice

Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 12 Dino's annual outlook 2022 Dino's annual outlook 2022

Like last year, however, I'm not getting my hopes up. To be able to write twelve articles again in this year, filled with new challenges up to rafter, will be a real Herculean task. Thus, this time I hope to get a little help from my wife, as she will sacrificially take care of most of the childcare during the scarce hobby time.

But who knows, as so often in life nothing turns out as expected and maybe even the opportunity arises to be much more active than in 2021. Well, aren't those good resolutions and prospects for 2022?


Greetings from the Chaosbunker



Posted by Dino

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