
Dino’s May 2022

Last month I asked you how the ease of the Covid measures had affected your hobby life and I received some interesting feedback. Overall, I could see from your feedback that the different views on the measures have partly led to a small split in the hobby community, between the more cautious and the less cautious hobbyists. In general, however, the changes have led to more contacts among those who already checked their health status before each visit anyway, and the number of tabletop games in private has increased again.

In my opinion, it is encouraging that we as hobbyists still show enough common sense, where we also pay attention to our fellow man and not only to ourselves. It shows that integrity and consideration are still present and lived in our hobby. Altogether the contacts have strengthened again somewhat - above all however online. During the period of increased precautions, the online community in particular proved to be a strong anchor for us hobbyists, so that most social contacts could be maintained.

In this regard, I also have to say a few words of thanks to the people who are always encouraging me to push my projects further in the Tabletopwelt forum in my thread and my known group of Tabletop Daddies. So I managed to paint the last hoplite for the Corinthians group that was left for Mortal Gods.

Mortal Gods - Hoplites Mortal Gods - Hoplites
Mortal Gods - Hoplites Mortal Gods - Hoplites

In retrospect, I would have liked to add a bit more yellow to the whole picture, as the last Hoplite loses a bit of uniformity to the rest of the squad due to the strong bronze portion, but the connecting emblem brings some of it back. For the same reason, I also painted the shield strap in yellow this time and not in red as usual.

Mortal Gods - Hoplites

The group as a whole also looks quite coherent this way and I would like to add a few more Hoplites to the Corinthians. Sooner or later I'll do that for sure, but I think I'll get a frame of Victrix Athenians for that, to make the picture a bit more varied.

Other than that, I finished a couple of long ago started terrain pieces quite early this month, which fit well into many different settings. I also had the opportunity to try out the laser cut Agave plants from Gamers Grass and I am quite divided in my opinion. On the one hand, they are simply too expensive for a single sheet that contains not 70 plants, but 70 Agave LEAVES. This is also written on the package, but the contents of the package was then rather sobering. On the other hand, the quality as such is good and I could imagine covering a whole terrain piece with these plants.

Scatter Terrain Scatter Terrain

From a hobby standpoint, it's been a good month for me in which I wasn't expecting to finish a model at all. Especially since the preparation for the next project, a Community Blood Bowl Team, is in full swing.

Blood Bowl - Community Team Blood Bowl - Community Team

Budget Challenge

The treeman also flows into my budget from this month. The tree man cost me 24.16 €, which made me realize that I had spent more than a monthly budget on the guy. But the company doesn't have a patent on salty prices and I could just as easily name other products from other manufacturers here. You have to weigh up what you want yourself here - with Blood Bowl I only occasionally deviate from the actual manufacturer, because a special look is met, which is represented in the brand.

However, this is a project with a very graspable end. With StarGrave I have now held back for the time being, although I was tempted to get me all the boxes at once from my existing budget - but how long would I paint them? In all likelihood, several years, which is why I now look at my existing supply and will paint these first.

I also got myself a Vortex Mixer for €28.99 this month. I was not sure at first whether I should count it as a work material, but meanwhile I have come to the conclusion that although it is a tool, there was no actual need for it and therefore I include it in the hobby budget.


My Budget nm May:

Balance previous month: 45,30- €

May 2022 budget: 65,30,- €

May 2022 spendings: 24,16 € and 28,99 €, in total 53,15 €

May 2022 rest: 12,15 €


Expenses for work materials:

May: 0,- €

Balance until May 2022: 37,54 €


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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