Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII
As with the last update on January 29th, the main objective was to get these battle ready (as "defined" in the White Dwarf tutorials lately), meaning something functional that would count as painted without causing me shame while gaming.
I managed to get through with the reavers early last week, leaving me with the Warlord Titan finished on wednesday. While I underestimated the smaller titans while building them (meaning glueing the armour panels to the bodies), I had a pretty good estimation on the Warlord, leaving all armour panels off until painting as well as using build groups for easier handling. I still am not a big fan of the Greedy Gold and will very likely either replace it or mix in a yellowish-brown for better coverage the next time I use this colour.
So I went on, blocking in the base colours, cleaning up parts where I got paint on other areas to get them ready for the selected wash of Army Painter Dark Tone. As highlights, drybrushing and all that will come after the weekend / their first deployment, I wanted to cover all the base colours properly and so I decided to add the chevrons using masking tape and a brush. Yes, a brush, not an airbrush. In combination with using Citadel Night Lords Blue this was not the easiest part, as it quickly get rather thick, so I had to be careful. In case of the missile launcher, I event partially scrapped of the paint as I didn't like the alternating stripes and re-did one side.
And I need to get my hands on smaller tape, as cutting the 6mm stripe in even parts is a bit tricky and due to the scale you notice this more as you might think. But the chevrons highly improved the basic colours so far. Can't wait to the add the decals.
So with the titans mostly done, on wednesday, I had to put my energy into the bases to ensure enough time for drying. I prepared the bases with spare parts, misprints and other bits, beside the Warlord's base that I build a few month ago with a partial ruin. I had some Vallejo Desert Sand here, that I used for the first ground works and let that dry.
I added two Citadel Texture paints, Armageddon Dunes and Armageddon Dust. These take their time drying as well, and you need lots of them. So I will look into replacing them with cheaper alternatives in the future. While they are still wet, you can add some sand or gravel to them. After the texture paints settled, I gave them a coat of Citadel Contrast Aggaros Dunes.
I noticed, that P3 Gun Corps Brown is the same colour as the Armageddon texture paints, so I gave the bases a broad drybrush to bring the overall surface together and then added two further highlights, with Army Painter Desert Yellow and Army Painter Skeleton Bone.
Cleaned up the edges of the bases with P3 Thamar Black, making them ready for the titans to stand on. I am still thinking about giving it a final, very light drybrush with an off white, like Vallejo Off White.
The final steps were to assemble the armour plates now to the titans. As the plastic glue doesn't properly bond with paint between the parts, I had to scrap that off on the bonding area.
The titans received a bit of dry brushing in the final highlight colours (Desert Yellow and Skeleton Bone) on their legs to make them fit better to their bases.
And on thursday night, around 11 pm, I had a battle ready maniple, that I could use on Battle for Uulda!
As mentioned above, they will receive further highlights, decals and banners. There are further titans of Legio Astraman here waiting for paint, like the Warbringer, Dire Wolf and Warmaster, but those were out of scope for the event and remaining time.
Next up will be my battle / event report from the gaming weekend, as well as a show case of the different legios participating in Battle for Uulda, so stay tuned.
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Posted by Dennis B.
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