
Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

After the event coverage, here's my loot post from Hamburg Tactica 2023.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

I got myself some reinforcements for World War 2, adding the Bofors gun by Rubicon for my 8th Army and got the new Sd.Kfz. 250 plastic kit for review purposes. The large Start Collecting! Box for Age of Sigmar covering the new mortal Chaos, was something I got from Fritz the Brushzerker, I've been tempted by that box for a long time and the updated range really speaks to me. Maybe we will see more of them as I got my hands on the army box, including the new Daemon Prince as well.

One thing that wasn't as exciting, was the Renedra Western Building I bought at the bring & buy. I asked the trader, if it was complete, looked into it, all the sprues were in there ... but they were not complete. Not cool, buddy, not cool.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

I got the event miniatures, Zitronenjette and Don Quixote along with Sancho Panza. The two perry sculpts even have the Tactica lettering on the base, similar to the event miniatures of Salute or Historicon.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

On the flea market I bought a few individual models to go with my Miniaturicum Pre-Order Copplestone blister with Palaeontologist and bones, adding just what I need for a special Old West scenario.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

Kreativ ADHS, a project where they help children suffering from ADHD with painting sessions etc. was gathering funds by selling dice, and I bought two, because I like event and club dice. And they did the right thing and put the logo on the 6s.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

Not a bad haul, and did not went overboard spending, so quite happy with the result. As I preordered the Bofors and Copplestone blister at Miniaturicum and met with Fritz at the show for the trade, I didn't spend that much unplanned (barely 30 bucks).

What did you buy at Tactica?

Posted by Dennis B.

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