
9th Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

Hessen is calling! The 9th Rhein Main Multiversum was hosted by the Tabletop Club Rhein-Main in Nidderau.

The Multiversum is back, with traders and at a new location. The venue was moved from the Willi-Salzmann Halle to the Kultur- und Sporthalle Heldenbergen within the same city, but different districts. This venue is part of a small shopping park, which meant that not only parking was available abundant, but discounters and drink cash & carry were nearby as well.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

A proper variety of traders had their booth near the entrance. Worean and Spiele-Kontor covered a lot of historical miniatures, others used the chance to make a clearance sale and the show even covered a bring & buy, with some proper deals.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

The new venue offers a lot of space, so the tables could be spread out properly and you could move around them, without bumping into other visitors. They even had space for a tournament on the side and catering offering soft drinks, beers, cake and warm dishes.

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One of the organisers, Martin / Zig0r, who hosted various hessian themed gaming tables in the past, went into the depth of space this time. Using the Shootout ruleset in a Star Wars setting. Repurposing various Legions models and an old  toy of the Millennium Falcon.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

Team Würfelkrieg, who just finished the Limesmarsch 2023 with their Ancient Tracks project, came to Nidderau to host a table of Clash of Spears.

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Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

Red Lion Con from Braunschweig were there as well, hosting a table of Xenos Rampant, using converted Horus Heresy Astartes and Mantic Terrain.

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Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

This table of By Fire & Sword , was hosted by Tankred von Tarent. This is a historical 15mm game, where the 2nd edition will be released, after being financed by crowdfunding, in Winter of this year.

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Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

Axel hosted his ruleset of Shootout in Dingstown, a long with a stunning looking Western table.

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And some shots of various demo tables at the show.

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We "pre-booked" a session of the new Asymmetric Warfare ruleset, of which Matt Adams owns the IP and was picked up by the Spectre Operations & Asymmetric Warfare Wargaming Group. They further advanced the rules of Spectre Operations 2.0, stream lined a few things, as we noted during the game. Our game was hosted by Torsten and Ivan, and we played a scenario, where a cartel had to reclaim an informant from the CIA. And the CIA had 6 turns to avert this.

The basic setup was a car convoy of three SUVs and the cartel come from different corners on the maps in small groups.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

While the CIA forces had to disembark from the cars, as the road was blocked and hindered further progress the cartel members began to swarm towards the corner from the alley and gas station. Having the advantage of surprise, the cartel was able to place some hits on the special forces.

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As they became aware of the situation and were able to make out from where the cartel was coming, the trained special forces could hit back and take out several cartel members, especially those swarming the back of the convoy. And as it was not only regular pistol and gun fire, a heavy sniper rifle added some serious danger to the situation. This forced the CIA to take action and they withdrew into one of the buildings with their informant.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

The cartel put further pressure, taking out some SpecOps on the stairs of the building, but they made use of their training and superior gear. The use of some grenades caused a whole group of cartel members to flee in disorder back into the alley where they came from.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

And while the SpecOps were able to supress the attack in the back, they lost almost a full squad, with the bleeding Agents taking cover in the bus stop. The informant was brought into a building, with soldiers guarding the windows - but not without taking another shot from the sniper.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

The attack from the gas station was quickly stopped, as one of the civilians was an undercover operator, who swapped her camera for a rifle. The street cleared quickly, as the surviving cartel members withdrew from the road and the CIA agents secured the house and waited for reinforcement to arrive. We had two more turns for the game, but with the cartel nearly obliterated and not many options to fulfil their objective, we declared the CIA as winners of this game.

Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023 Tabletop Club Rhein Main - 9. Rhein Main Multiversum 2023

A fun game. Improved mechanics, as the dice rolls go quicker, as some of the modifiers were stream lined (or moved into other, less crowded phases of the game) and I'm looking forward to the PDF release of Asymmetrical Warfare.

In addition to that - had a great day. Saw a lot of people from the community. Great talks about various things, a good mix of traders and tables. Fictional and historical settings, proper tables, proper room to browse. The only thing giving us some trouble, was actually the heat. But that's nothing the hosts could change in anyway.

Could imagine with its central location in Germany, that this show has the potential to grow and become a proper household name. Multiple highways 5-10 minutes away, just North-East of Frankfurt (30 minutes away from the airport), 2hrs from Cologne, just over 2 hrs from Stuttgart or Nuremberg. Looking forward to next year!

Link: Tabletop Club Rhein-Main

Posted by Dennis B.

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