Last saturday the TinSoldiers of Antwerp invited to Crisis. And after the very positive impression from last year, it was a no-brainer that we would go to the show.
And with this picture of the event-legends from Salute, the South London Warlords, we head over to the second part of the coverage.
Beside the traders a lot of participation tables are the reason for the visitors to come to Crisis, so let's talk a look on a couple of them.
There was a lot to see for fantasy and pulp as well at Crisis, thanks to - among others - GCT Studio with Bushido and a french-polish joint booth.
After a successful show at Spiel, the next harbour for Freebooter was Antwerp.
And this away mission was succesful as well. The booth was heavily crowded from the first 15 minutes until the very last hours of the show. I was lucky enough to even get a line of sight for a picture of Werner.
A couple of familiar faces, that we've seen at Spiel were at Crisis as well. Among them Warlord Games, Conquest Games and Mantic Games.
At Warlord Games was as on the past shows, quite a lot going on, as the visitors wanted to get their hands on the army bundles and new plastic kits.