
Perry Miniatures – Mounted Man at Arms

After the cavalry boxes by the Perrys were among the best rated kits in our reviews, a review of the Mounted Man at Arms was a must!

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The box is a bit damaged, this is not due to a lack of workmanship but because the box had to be packed tightly on its way from the Salute in the airplane luggage. As usual for the Perrys, there is a nice artwork on the front and further information, colour chart and building instructions on the back.

A look inside the box reveals more, showing the separate sprues for riders and horses, a base casting frame and the usual colour supplement.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The leaflet covers alongside several banners, a detailed explanation on the unit.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The cavalry comes with numerous options in a really tightly packed sprue, which even includes various armour for the horses. The horses are separate and similiar to the Napoleonic cavalry boxes. This box also contains a sprue with bases from Renedra.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The close-ups once again clearly show why the Perrys are among the best. Numerous details, maximum utilisation of the frame and great choice on the bits and pieces. This is how it has to be.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The 3 different horse poses with two halves each can be mixed and matched. A size comparison with Conquest (left) and Wargames Factory (right) also shows the dynamic pose and superiority of the models. But that's not all, additional bits of horse armour/armour offer even more variety.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The box is immensely versatile, which we would like to show with 3 assembled models. The light version, unarmoured horse and light armour on the rider.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The medium variant, half horse armour, somewhat more heavily armoured rider.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

And last but not least, the heaviest variant, plate armour with closed helmet and full horse armour.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

For better classification, the comparison with Conquest Games (left) and Wargames Factory (right), and not only because of the similarity with older Warhammer Fantasy Imperium (middle) and Conquest Games (left). Not only because of the similarity? Well, a large part of the old empire miniatures come from the capable hands of the Perrys, so do the plastic knights.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

The finished trio in scene. All 3 from the same sprue, from the same box.

Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms Perry Miniatures - Mounted Man at Arms

12 mounted models of this quality for 18 GBP (about 22 Euro) are more than a statement. The level of detail coupled with the experience of the Perrys and Renedra produce tremendously great sprues and kits.

The versatility of the casting frame, from which 3 very different units can be built, makes this kit one of the best we have reviewed this year and offers an incredibly high added value.

As well as the usual historical uses, this box can also be used for fantasy projects with, for example, a Games of Thrones theme or, thanks to the realistic scale, mix well with the Lord of the Rings miniatures which were also sculpted from the Perrys.

Link: Perry Miniatures

Posted by Dennis B.

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