
X-Mas Presents a.k.a. 2016 teaser

Wow, what a month! 24 days in a row, lots different content and articles. Hope you enjoyed it as much, as i did writing it.

But i am not quite finished yet, there is more to come next year, after i had a short break. So as a special christmas present, i want to let you in on what's under the tree.

I have a few board games in the queue, among others there is Arcadia Quest, Dead of Winter and Rise of the Kage.


Arcadia Quest Winter der Toten Rise of the Kage

And of course, more wargaming stuff, like the M8 Scott by Rubicon Models, Bolt Action Fallschirmjäger or El Toro by Megaton Games.

Rubicon Models - M8 Scott Warlord Games - Bolt Action Fallschirmjäger Megaton Games - Armoures Syndicate El Toro

That is just about reviews, but i still have planned to visit cons, play games, build and paint miniatures, so stay tuned on that.

If you have questions, suggestions, have an idea for a cooperation or would like to see a specific / your product in a review, feel free to drop me an e-mail to

As for the next days, most of you will - like myself - spend the time with their family and friends. So i wish you and your family happy holidays! Stay safe, eat well and enjoy the time off.

Posted by Dennis B.

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