Gangs of Rome Civilian Mobs Secundus and Tertius
With the Blood on the Aventine starter just introduced on here, and my ancient SAGA with roman participants, I laid my eyes upon the extended range of Gangs of Rome. These cover beside the fighters several sets of civilians.
I wanted to buy all three of the Mobs, unfortunately the mob primus wasn't in stock that time, so I got "only" mob Secundus and Tertius. But I'll pick that one up on Crisis or so.
The blisters are 8 GBP each and cover 5 civilian miniatures, sculpted by Paul Hicks, along with five 25mm round base and one 80mm mob movement base. For some reason my Mob Tertius was missing its mob base.
Casting is well done, minor clean up need for a bit of mould lines and casting noses.
Assembly is pretty easy. Glue the base with PVA, glue the miniatures with super glue on top of the smaller round bases. No further assembly needed as a the miniatures are all single casts. I went with a Renedra round base instead of the MDF base, as I prefer them game wise.
A brief comparison with other roman "citizen", on the left Julius Caesar from the Wargames Illustrated range, Tavalus from the Blood on the Aventine starter kit, and #4 + #5 from Warlord Games.
And the very characterful miniatures in front of the back drop.
At 8 GBP per set, 1,60 GBP per miniature there wasn't much to think about. I'm simply a fan of the Hicks sculpts, so these caught my eye right away. They are a very atmospheric part of the Gangs of Rome rule set and add value to the game. If you use them as the mob or just scatter the miniatures over the gaming surface to vivify the roman city, eitherway a good use for these nice miniatures.
Especially with the later in mind, the Roman citizens work great with a lot of settings, for example the mentioned ancient SAGA or as spectators in one of the many Gladiator rule sets.
Gangs of Rome is a brand by Warbanner Ltd.
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Posted by Dennis B.
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