
Black Scorpion – Last Patrol Kickstarter

I've been looking for some proper modern combat miniatures in 28mm for ages. Where as other theatres of war like World War 2 have dozends of companies supporting the players with miniatures, even for the smallest factions, Modern Combat in 28mm is rather scarce.

Yes, there are Empress Miniatures, but I prefer the Hicks sculpts they carry, or The Assault Group, but those didn't age that well to be honest. And Black Scorpion used to offer some very appealing modern US Marines, but didn't move them over to the new range they offer in resin. Until late autumn last year.

Black Scorpion did run a brief Last Patrol Kickstarter, and offered the whole range of 3 full squads of 10 including some stretch goals. I was one of only 52 people to participate. The initial delivery time was June 2019, so I expected to wait for quite some time and what shall I say, in early february a small package arrived.

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol

I went for the full pledge, as you can see the three squads have complete individual sculpts each, and a single cast beside the tripods of the MG gunner. No cleaning required, no flash, just a bit of cutting needed to fit the slabs into the slotabases. The gun tip of the of the soldiers broke off, but superglue will take care of that.

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol

As for the additional stretch goals, they offered some alternate heads and two additional miniatures, a Marine Captain and a Colonel. A small set of weapons, a M16, a M4 and a Colt Pistol (not pictured).

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol

The models are rather large, they measure up a solid 32mm. A brief comparison with a Hasslefree and Spectre Operation. In the third picture you see them next to the body of a 1:48 scale tamiya soldier. That's no surprise, Black Scorpion is always on the large end of the scale, same goes for their Pirate and West range.

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol

But what are my intentions with these models? Well first of all to go with my other Modern Combat stuff, like the HUMVEEs. I think they work quite well. That is a very solid stock for any kind of modern combat rule sets like Black Ops or Spectre Operations. Of the later the second edition was recently released, and I think I'll give it a try.

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol

But that HUMVEE isn't on his own, I have two more regular HUMVEEs, the upgrade packs from Black Dog, one HUMVEE with cargo bed and an Abrams tank.

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol

All of this will work great for The Walking Dead or any other zombie scenario as well, so this is not "just" opening up another front at the project line of battles.

I am satisfied with the product I received, it went quite well and fast. But I am still rather puzzled, that only 52 people joined in on this campaign. So many crowdfunding campaigns out there, for a lot of redundant things, so with this actually scratching an itch that isn't supported otherwise it came a bit as a surprise. But never the less, the campaign was funded and fulfilled, everything else isn't of matter for me.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. I understand your points, but I am not that surprised that these miniatures were not that popular either. I had the metal version, and then I gave them as a gift to a friend (already painted to a decent standard). Bascially, they are not that great as equipment and poses, and they are so huge they do not fit with other existing ranges. I have to admit that I am more than pleased with Empress/Eureka/Spectre. Basically while when they first come our were a decent product, right now they are not that great and also they have made completely outdated in equipment to pose as contemporary. Just my two cents of course, but from someone who has a large collection of contemporary miniatures.

    Also the be nitpicking, they were not Rangers but Marines.

    Said that glad that you enjoyed them.

  2. Fixed the Rangers / Marines mix up. I don’t need them to be contemporary, the Desert Storm look works for me. Size is an issue, I give you that, but I guess as long as you don’t mix them with others within units, it won’t be to much of a hassle.

  3. The gist of my comment was more a surprise about ‘scratching an itch that isn’t supported otherwise it came a bit as a surprise’ considering we have two outstanding lines (Empress and Eureka) and other smaller lines covering post cold war conflicts. Also Empress modern combat line is very substantial.

    As the equipment, they are basically post Desert Storm to late 90s (the Marines were already changing equipment before Iraqi Freedom), they more or less copied bit from Black Hawk Down…

    As for the size, once I games them against TAG and Mongrel Afghans, and there were huge. I think it was the last time I took them out. and at the time they did not have the giant ‘slotta’ bases… I feel Black Scorpion backed themselves in a corner with the 32mm thing.

    On the other hand they paint up well.

  4. These work great with the walking dead mantic miniatures. Wanted some semi modern military models to incorporate into the game, however the mantic minis were on the bigger scale compared to other 28mm ranges. Hope you are still enjoying them. Thanks for the post.

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