
Sweetwater stuff box

There it is again - "the stuff box". These are organized by tabletop wargaming boards, you join in and put your name on a list and the package is shipped from the first to second, from the second to the third, and so on, until it arrives back at the first person who posted it.

Depending on the community, there are different rules for these boxes. You may take some items out, but have to put something in in return of at least the same value. I participated in these in the past and currently two, one by TabletopWelt and one by Sweetwater, the later I'm showing you today.

So this bright yellow mail box arrived wednesday, and you can see, it is filled almost up to the lid with miniatures, sprues and stuff.

Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019 Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019

I took out these things, a box of arab light cavalry by Gripping Beast, an old dreadnaught, a squad of Space Marine Terminators and a squad of Deathwing Terminators.

Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019

So what did I put in in exchange? Two boxes of warplanes in 1:350 (maybe for use in Cruel Seas?), a couple of Samurai sprues on foot and mounted, a sprue of square bases, a Torii by PlastCraftGames, a batch of metal miniatures mostly Ral Partha (I guess those are Shadowrun among them).

Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019 Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019

Someone said, that he would be happy about 20mm / 1:72 scale world war 2 stuff. Well, so I gathered some of the thing I have here and most likely won't realise into a project. So we have the Heller Code Overlord box (the second picture shows the content), and three Revell sets covering several miniatures and vehicles.

Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019 Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019

And then there is the Italeri set Alzo Zero ruleset incl. models (shown in the second picture), along with 6 tigers and 2 panthers in 20mm.

Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019 Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019

All that doesn't fit in the old box, so I had to repack, into a "slightly" larger. So empty it out, fill the bigger one and send it on its way.

Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019 Sweetwater Kramkiste 2019

I'm really looking forward to the other one as well. It is always fun to participate in these, as I'm glad that these models will get into the hands of somebody who can use them and not just dust at my place.

Posted by Dennis B.

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