
Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8

It's happened to me again, it's September and I'm writing my recap for August - yes, the summer void has continued and aside from a few more rocks for my terrain collection, I haven't gotten far.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8

But I am all the more satisfied with the result. I had already finished the lower three rocks and expanded them with the four rock formations above. I never thought I'd ever have to write so many words about rocks in the tabletop field, but they are amazingly versatile as game terrain.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8

Basically, it's just styrofoam blocks that have been base-painted in various colors and dry-brushed. Some sand sprinkles and grass as well as various tufts already complete the look. What is important, however, is the natural positionability of the rocks, so that new, for scenarios appropriately atmospheric, formations can be created.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8 Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8 Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8 Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8 Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8

On top of that, they can be used for many settings. Below is the same scene put together with just a few other miniatures - since the rocks are so generic, in this case the minis shift the setting from fantasy to ancient, not the terrain itself. In retrospect, I realize why rocks and trees are among the most commonly used terrain pieces. Probably the effect of a full gaming table is enhanced by placing a few eye-catchers that can actually be associated stronger with the setting.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro – Part 8

If things go well in September, I will have crossed the valley of inactivity and find a little more time for the hobby again. But if not, I will not mourn, because this has increased my budget for September again by 20, - Euros, since I have spent nothing on the hobby in August.

Thus, I have 49.17, - Euro available for September. A second mat is getting within reach!


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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