
Dino’s June 2022

A little more than half a year has passed and finally, FINALLY I received four brushes and three pots of Lahmian Medium from Battlefield Berlin. Sounds strange? But it actually happened.

Lahmian Medium + Brushes

Somehow I don't seem to have much luck with my orders lately and the matter does leave a sour taste. Since then I have asked what the status is and I was told that there will be a shipping confirmation as soon as the order is on its way. After more than half a year of trust for an open order, I would have expected something like a small thank you, even if it had only been something like a ballpoint pen.

Now I have placed another order on June 22nd, this time at Fantasy-In, for two cans of black spray primer for a total of 17.31 €, and the product was available. However, I am now also waiting almost two weeks for them. Slowly I wonder what is the solution to this state of affairs - you are already oriented to the ability to deliver in your orders and still receive the product only with a severe delay.

Of course, I can talk myself into it: I'm only making slow progress in the hobby at the moment. Or is it? I managed this month to finish converting and priming the Old World Alliance team that I want to paint together with the community step by step...oh, wait, there was something. In fact, I ran out of primer on the last few models, but the six Humans from the Blitz!Bowl Season 2 box are luckily ready to be painted.

Blood Bowl - Community Team

I am quite satisfied with the Halfling, because I find that although they can now be included in many teams, their look is very out of line with the BB sport design. Therefore, I swung the knife a little at the most suitable of the heads and trimmed the helmet. As a small gimmick, he still received the wings from a human helmet that I had remaining.

Painting at the last second I was able to complete the Veteran of the Corinthians for my Mortal Gods force. Now one miniature is missing, and I' ll have 300 points done. Two more figures and I even get to up to 500, with which I can then play the first larger Mythic Matches.

Mortal Gods - Veteran

Of course, this will not be the end of the Odyssey. Tabletopuser Grinsemann, also known as Wolpertinger, sent me a small package of converted models for Mortal Gods, which I will soon show you in more detail.

Mortal Gods - Corinthian Sailors

At that point, I will split the current army and turn it into seafaring adventurers and a pure city-state faction with the Corinthians.

Until then, though, I'm going to make another small detour, as I'm starting to get excited about fantasy again at the moment. Either I'll continue painting my Frostgrave warband, which is most likely, or I'll start putting together a 1000 point Oathmark army. I've already assembled the first ten Goblins for this.

Oathmark - Orc Warriors

Budget Challenge

Apart from the spray cans, I haven't spent any money on any more minis this month. I'll keep it that way for now, as I've decided to paint at least this years new purchases - that would be two droids for StarGrave and a treeman for the BB Community Team. So for now, I'm doing pretty well with my budget and I think I'll continue my 2020 methodology until the end of this year.


My budget in June:

  • Balance previous month: 12,15- €
  • June 2022 budget: 32,15,- €
  • June 2022 spendings: 0 €
  • June 2022 rest: 32,15 €

Expenses for work materials:

June: 17,31 €

Balance until June 2022: 54,85 €


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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