
January 2023 review

What was January all about? Well, getting my Legio Astraman Titans painted. I did two updates on the Ad Arma series of them, a recap of the gaming weekend as well as a show case of the Legios participating.

Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Astraman

And of course, I want to keep going, complete this part of the project. I set up a plate with some 3d printed bits, for example this magnet fitting arms for the Reaver titan by Cmdr Zhor, and some carapace options.

Adeptus Titanicus - 3d printed bits Adeptus Titanicus - 3d printed bits Adeptus Titanicus - 3d printed Reaver carapace weapons

I do have some non-titanicus topics on my plate, I bought a couple of terrain items for fantasy skirmishs at Radaddel, mostly Gnarlwood orientated, and prepared some content on this as well.

WarCry - Gnarlwood Terrain Sprues WarCry - Gnarlwood Terrain Sprues WarCry - Gnarlwood Terrain Rib Platform

There's a bit of Bolt Action as well, for example the Hummel who is still a draft and would round up my initial tank series in early January, along with covering some of the Italian releases, like the plastik kit and campaign book, Soft Underbelly, before Tough Gut is released.

Bolt Action - SdKfz 165 Hummel Bolt Action Campaign Italy - Soft Underbelly

Next week is Tactica! And we're going to be there. I am already so looking forward to that weekend, because we're going for the whole nine yard in Hamburg. So re-visiting the show, we went to the last time in 2019, and going to the updated Miniatur Wunderland, (very likely a new coverage to the last visit here (Part 1) and here (Part 2).

As for the show, I am very excited to see the Hammaburg display by Wraith, catch a teaser on the Sci-Fi skirmish by Freebooter, pick up my pre-order at Miniaturicum and talk with PK-Pro about a proper choice for an Airbrush.

Hamburger Tactica 2019 Hamburger Tactica 2019 Hamburger Tactica 2019

I'll probably do some light painting the next days, but mostly packing things for the prolonged weekend in the North. Drop by some stores and restaurants, I haven't been to in a while to Überquell, the Lego Store (grab another stamp for my lego passport), Ratsherrn, and some others I want to explore. I'll do some coverage on Tactica right away on my social media, so drop by my facebook or instagram for recent updates and for all the food and travel things at the other one.

Event Schedule Update: There's been an update, two new dates confirmed for May - Ad Arma Con is returning as is Poldercon.

Posted by Dennis B.

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