
Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Titan Walk

As a sum up of the Battle for Uulda weekend, we did a brief photoshoot of the miniatures we brought to Uulda. A good mix, three traitors and three loyalists.

Legio Tempestus (Stormlords)

by Marius / Poom / Herr.Poom

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus

Legio Atarus (Firebrand)

by Chris / LordLeonatos

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Atarus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Atarus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Atarus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Atarus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Atarus

Legio Fureans (Tiger Eyes)

by Felix / Kjeld / Hive_Citizen

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Fureans Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Fureans Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Fureans

Legio Suturvora (Fire Masters)

by Dennes / D-S13017 / The Prophet of Fire

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Suturvora Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Suturvora Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Suturvora

Legio Charybdis (Homebrew)

by Patrick / Die Blutraben / AuxiliaryMirelurk

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Charybdis Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Charybdis Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Charybdis

Legio Astraman (Morning Stars)

by (me) Dennis / Siamtiger / Chaosbunker

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Astraman Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Astraman Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Astraman

Thanks again to everyone for having me that weekend. Had a blast and am certainly motivated to finish the miniatures, adding details, banners, decals etc. to them, as well as name plates, as I already choose names in both High and Low Gothic.

Posted by Dennis B.

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