
Legions Imperialis – The Costs of the Garmon Purge

In White Dwarf #493 October 2023 we had the first battle report on Legions Imperialis, incl. the rules of the first supplement The Great Slaughter. We see a battle between the Blood Angels and a Death Guard Army incl. Allies, to show a full battle of 3.000 Points.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis

As many thought The Great Slaughter would cover the Istvaan atrocity, it was actually the name for the Battle of Beta Garmon, which we had insights in with the Adeptus Titanics supplement of Titan Death. This would make sense, first of all as it is the name of the battle report, it would tie in other branches of the war, but the Death Guard wasn't really involved according to lore.

But now let's take a look at the costs of the armies:

The 2.981 Points of Strike Force Argent Spear are split into three formations and a single strategic Asset from the Legio Titanicus.

Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - White Dwarf 493 - The Garmon Purge

Legion Armoured Company - 1.460 Points - 280 EUR

Kratos Squadron of 6 (1,5 boxes @ 40 EUR RRP)
Predator Squadron of 6 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Predator Squadron of 6 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Sicaran Squadron of 6 (1,5 boxes @ 40 EUR RRP)
Sicaran Squadron of 6 (1,5 boxes @ 40 EUR RRP)
Xiphon Interceptor Squadron of 3 (,5 box @ 40 EUR)

Legion Sky-Hunter Phalanx - 419 Points - 80 EUR

Javelin Squadron of 6 (2 boxes Legiones Astartes Fast Attack @ 40 EUR RRP)
Scimitar Jetbike Squadron of 6 (incl. above)
Scimitar Jetbike Squadron of 6 (incl. above)
Outrider Squadron of 6 (incl. above)
Land Speeder Squadron of 6 (incl. above)

Legion Drop Pod Assault - 687 Points - 400 EUR

Legion Command (incl. below)
Terminator Detachment (6) (3 boxes Legiones Astartes Infantry @ 40 EUR RRP)
Terminator Detachment (6) (3 boxes Legiones Astartes Infantry @ 40 EUR RRP)
Tactical Detachment (12) (incl. above)
Tactical Detachment (10) (incl. above)
Missile Launcher Detachment (8) (incl. above)
Fire Raptor Squadron of 2 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
12 Droppod (3 boxes @ 40 EUR RRP)

Legion Support - 415 Points - 50 EUR
Reaver Battle Titan - 50 EUR

We have a neat side board of a couple of infantry models, along with 12 Dreadnoughts that are not used. Yet, 810 EUR is quite a sum for the lot. You can bring the price down if you buy two of the starter sets or at least swap the Solar Auxilia from one kit against Astartes from a second box. A real deal is the Fast Attack set as it provides you with quite the bang for your bucks. And the major aspect driving the price of this list up are the two Terminator Detachments, as you only get two bases per Legiones Infantry box.

Thomas' shopping list for the Strike Force Argent Spear

6x Legiones Astartes Infantry
2x Legiones Astartes Fast Attack
3x Legiones Astartes Drop Pods
2x Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron
2x Predator Tank Squadron
3x Sicaran Tank Squadron
1x AI/LI Fire Raptor Squadron
1x AI/LI Xiphon Interceptor Squadron
1x AT/LI Reaver Battle Titan

Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - White Dwarf 493 - The Garmon Purge

So let's see what the combined forces of the Death Guard did bring to the table, with the Despoilers of 147-Gamma at 2.986 Points.

Legion Garrison Force - 648 Points - 160 EUR
Legion Command (1x box Legiones Astartes Infantry @ 40 EUR)
Tarantula (4) (1 box Legiones Astartes Support box @ 40 EUR)
Rapier Battery Detachment (2) (incl. above)
Deredeo Dreadnought (4) (incl. above)
Dreadnought Talon (4) (incl. above)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Detachment (4) (incl. above)
Tactical Detachment incl. Rhinos (8) (incl. above + 1 box @ 40 EUR)
Fire Raptor Squadron of 2 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)

Legion Armoured Company - 635 Points - 100 EUR
Kratos squadron of 2 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Predator squadron of 6 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Xiphon Interceptor Squadron of 3 (,5 box @ 40 EUR)

Legion Armoured Company - 560 Points - 80 EUR
Kratos squadron of 2 (remaining half from above)
Sicaran Squadron of 2 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Sicaran Squadron of 2 (incl. above)
Storm Eagle Squadron of 2 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)

Demi-Company - 397 Points - 100 EUR
Legion Command (1x box Legiones Astartes Infantry @ 40 EUR)
Dreadnought Talon (4) (incl. above)
Tactical Detachment (8) (incl. above, remaining Rhinos from Garrison Force)
Predator Squadron of 3 (0,5 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Tactical Detachment (8) (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)

Solar Auxilia Pioneer Company - 331 Points - 120 EUR
Legate Command (1 box Solar Auxilia Infantry @ 40 EUR RRP)
Leman Russ Squadron of 4 (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Rapier Battery (1 box @ 40 EUR RRP)
Rapier Battery (incl. above)
Veletaris Storm Section (incl. in SolAux Inf)

Legion Support - 415 Points - 50 EUR
Reaver Battle Titan - 50 EUR

James Gallagher makes good use of many of the boxes and spread their content over various formations, for example with the Rhinos, Infantry and Support boxes and that makes the army a bit cheaper at 610 EUR. This is actually something you could probably go for starting with a single starter set, add the Kratos, the Rhino detachment and a second Infantry box and go on from there. A very versatile army and a good mixture from my point of view of heavy armour and mobility due to the aerial support, without breaking with the theme of the Death Guard.

James' shopping list for the Despoilers of 147-Gamma

2x Legiones Astartes Infantry
2x Legiones Astartes Support
1x Rhino Transport Detachment
1x Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron
1x Sicaran Tank Squadron
2x Predator Tank Squadron
1x Solar Auxilia Infantry
1x Leman Russ Squadron
1x Solar Auxilia Support
1x AI/LI Xiphon Interceptor Squadron
1x AI/LI Fire Raptor Squadron
1x AI/LI Storm Eagle Squadron
1x AT/LI Reaver Battle Titan

Much closer to the starter set is the new battlereport on Warhammer+ between Word Bearers and Solar Auxilia on Calth, where they played 1.100 points on 3 by 3 ft.

It will be interesting to see, if we get something like the Astartes Battle Group but for Legions Imperialis, as due to the double sprue content you could mix those boxes quite well and do very versatile bundles at reasonable prices.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. Easy way to add way more points than these lists is running as many Knights/Titans as you can (i.e. 900 points) — no idea if it’s optimal gameplay-wise but those boxes are quite point dense.

    For example, unless my math (and a few inferences on upgrade point values) is way off, I’m sitting at somewhere between 2.5-3K points (depending on how “tall/wide” I decide to go with detachment quantity vs upgrade quantity) and I spent just under $500 USD plus a starter swap with a friend.

  2. Aren’t Xiphons 6 to a box?

  3. Yes, you’re right, but you still would need to buy the whole box. Just like with the Terminators.

  4. Are we rrally thinking drop pods are only 4 per box? I know they said dreadnought drop pads are but they are bigger and have options

  5. They wrote it in the Warhammer Community article themselves

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