
Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

We did it once - we do it again. Building a Warcry warband from the Stormbringer Magazine contents. As we started with the Stormcasts Eternals miniatures from the first three issues, we now build a small warband from the Kruleboyz from the same batch.

For this we need issue #01 and #02 from Stormbringer, covering a hero and a pack of 10 gutrippaz. And to build the Warcry warband, we need the Harbinger of Destruction PDF, where the rules for the Kruleboyz are included.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

In the second issue you received 10 Gutrippaz. These are the "old" ones from the Dominion boxed set, and not the newer 2021 set. From the design, there pretty much the same, but these do just come with the wicked stikkas and the options for a boss, while the newer 45 EUR set covers a full command (boss, musician, banner bearer) along with the options for wicked hackas. But as we only paid 5,99 EURs, 13% of face value, we can live with that and we will do something about it as you will see further below.

The 10 models are spread across two mid size sprues and come with 10 round bases with a diameter of 32mm. These are the push-fit bases with the two pre-drilled slots.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 02 - Kruleboyz Gutrippaz Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 02 - Kruleboyz Gutrippaz

I split the pack of 10 in two batches of 5. The first one with the boss and 4 gutrippaz, all wielding wicked stickas and grinning skareshields. These are build just like the instructions say in issue #02. I would only suggest that you don't glue the shields, where they're optional until you paint them up, for easier access.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

And the second batch of gutrippaz, that I intend to convert into having the hand weapons instead of the spears. It is the easiest, when you look at the poses and choose those, that make sense.

Classic conversion, cutting down the shaft of the spear, modifying the blade into something that looks closer to a stabbing or cutting weapon. The most common problem is, that the alignment can be off. You either tinker about until the are in line, or if the size of the bits allows it, pin them and fill the gaps with putty.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

As the set gives you the option to build 10 gutrippas without a boss, you have spare bits for a regular model. I guess I'll use the shield as base decoration for one of the Stormcast characters.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

This is how the converted Gutrippaz with wicked hackas look next to those with wicket stikkas, as well as a size comparison to the Stormcast Eternals, who are quite taller than them.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

With the 10 gutrippas, we have 820 points for Warcry, which is pretty on par with the Stormcasts. Covering 5 Gutrippaz with wicked hackas at 75 pts each, 4 Gutrippaz with wicked stikkas at 75 pts as well and a Gutrippa-Boss with wicked stikka at 145 points.

And of course, the ragged band of Kruleboyz needs a proper leader. In this case that would be the Killaboss with his Stab-grot sidekick. They came with the fist issue, along with the Knight Arcanum.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 01 - Knight Arcanum and Killaboss and Stab-grot Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 01 - Knight Arcanum and Killaboss and Stab-grot

The Killaboss comes with a 40mm round base and a proper base decoration of a fallen stormcast. He has the option between a shield and a second weapon. To fit in with the remaining warband, I gave him the shield. The small stab-grot has the same combination, a hand weapon and a shield. He stands on a regular 25mm slottabase. The two add another 180 + 45 points to the warband, bringing us to the 1,000 points mark and beyond, as a good match for the stormcasts.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

A few of the Kruleboyz together for a group shot. Not all of them, as they wouldn't fit the picture. I am happy with the result of the conversion. Unlike the Stormcasts, I did not have that many options, well beside the boss and the Killaboss weapons, there were none and I took the weapon swap in my own hands.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Kruleboyz Warcry Warband

Just like with the Stormcast the Stormbringer issues cover painting information for the models. But you can find them on Warhammers Youtube as well. They give you a tutorial for the regular greenskin with dark clothes and red shields.

As for these guys. I had a project on Mantics King of War Orks, and painted them with brown skin and purple (and yellow) colours. A bit like the Mag'Har Orcs from World of Warcraft, and while I looked up the Orruk Warclans battletome I came across the Big Yellers. And I think, that I will pick that up, using the main colours of the Big Yellers, but go with a brown-ish skin for the Kruleboyz.

This will create a proper contrast to how the other Orruks look like, and will be an ever better contrast to the reddish Stormcasts they fight.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Kruleboyz Big YellersWarhammer Age of Sigmar - Kruleboyz Big Yellers

While the next batch of Stormbringer issues will add to both sides, I managed to snipe two characters (one for each warband) on eBay from the old Dominion kit, that aren't part of the magazines releases.

Next step will be the preparation of both warbands for priming and first base colours.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer is distributed by Hachette Collections

The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.

Posted by Dennis B.

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