Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. X
Only a few days until the next Battle for Uulda, and quite a bit to do. The regular maniple of the Legio Astraman has to be increased by a single Reaver Titan, and I need a few Knights to have the various lists between 1.250 and 2.000 points. Beyond that, a couple of smaller things to take care of, but let es see what the to-do list for Legio Astraman is so far:
- Assembly of Reaver
- Assembly of Sunfire Annihilator
- Printing the further weapon options
- Adding of magnets
- Base decoration for Reaver
- Name plates ordered
- Name plates printed
- Name plates painted
- Decals sorted for Titans
- Base paints
- Washes and Highlights
- Decals applied
So I build another Sunfire Annihilator for the Warlord Titan, and added the magnets to the Reaver as well as the weapon options. So we can check off two things from the to-do list.
And I'd start with the base decoration of the Reaver. I used some parts from the Civitas Imperialis ruins set, along with 3d printed bits, in this case a traitor reaver head. Another item to mark as done.
I got in touch with Versatile Terrain and made use of their custom STL-creation offer, and got myself a few oval name plates to cover the titan maniple, went with the recessed plates with fire arcs, and the Gothic font. I printed them, along with some Astartes casualties for further base decoration (currently an optional step) on my Anycubic Mono 4K.
Love how they look, currently will cover three Warhounds, three Reavers and a Warlord with the names I covered in the last Legio Astraman Ad Arma part. The further plates will follow once I buidl the remaining titans. I don't have an idea for the paints on the name plates, maybe simple copper or brass, but I would fancy maybe trying out some marble effects.
And I tackled the base paints on the reaver, minus the golden trim to far. This Legio will be the last one I do the old school way, the traitors of Legio Magna and their Knight Household will be done using an Airbrush and quite likely oil washes.
I went through my collection of decals, got the generic ones for the several titan and knight classes, along with the Legions Imperialis one. Unfortunately the go-to adress for home made decals that I was recommend to me, ceased their business and I have to sort that out. As the Legio Astraman didn't get an official one from Forge World / Games Workshop, I'll have to take care of that my own. But that's unlikely to happen until the gaming weekend.
But as I am quite done for today, I'll end todays progress with further work on the bases. First step was Vallejo Desert Sand, that I'll add Armageddon Dunes and Armageddon Dust to.
Which means our updated to-do list now looks like this;
Assembly of ReaverAssembly of Sunfire AnnihilatorPrinting the further weapon optionsAdding of magnetsBase decoration for ReaverName plates orderedName plates printed- Name plates painted
Decals sorted for Titans- Base paints (about 50%)
- Washes and Highlights
- Decals applied
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Posted by Dennis B.
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September 29th, 2024 - 20:27
so much work on the table 😀 . Have fun on Uulda. Hope to hear for there.