Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – Warcry Stormcast Eternals Warband
I haven't updated this in quite some time, at least not written about it and I like to catch up on this. I started buildin a skirmish warband with the Stormcast Eternals from the Stormbringer subscription, mostly for Warcry, but not exclusively.
Anyhow, I was able to get the Stormcasts primed with Army Painter Colour Primer Dragon Red and some further base colours during a bit of mutual hobby time with other Wargaming Daddies. Never painted something red, so this was a novelty for me, but I think it is a great base colour and contrast to the regular golden boys.
In issue 38 of Stormbringer we finally get a bit more light on their "exclusive" chapter of Stormcasts, the Iron Thanes. These were developed for the magazine, but so far are a bit light on the lore, and the tutorial on painting them comes quite late - almost at halftime. I assume most of the newcomers have painted theirs golden by that time.
I am not going for the Iron Thanes scheme, but rather a (pre-heresy) look of Blood Angels, and maybe as I didn't do that so far, tie in some of the blood drops from the various plastic kits.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer is distributed by Hachette Collections
The shown product item was provided by the manufacturer.
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