
Dead Man’s Hand: Banditos – Part 3

My third finished gang member for the Banditos is the planned leader of the gang. The dynamic pose and the aggressiveness the miniature expressed clearly called for that.

The outfit was obviously inspired by Mariachibands and so I let myself be inspired by originals as well. Unfortunately, when I was looking for pictures, I quickly realized that the clothes weren’t far as colourful as I remembered them. Nevertheless, I decided to stay true to the look and tried to give the clean black of the suit a more worn out look, as if it had been worn for a continuously long time. I followed Citadel's app suggestion for "dirty black" again and was quite satisfied with the result.

Dead Mans Hand - Banditos Domingo Ortega


Dead Man’s Hand: Banditos – Part 2

The turn of the year and the usual duties as a father have led to a small break in our Dead Man's Hand article series. Fortunately, since I did not tackle the project on my own, we will again have a Wild Wednesday occasionally. Finn's introduced his first gang member, Hector Villa,  some time ago. Now it's time to introduce Tuco. And with this Finn will take over from here on...

With Tuco I went back to the experience I gained with painting Hector’s jeans and painted the poncho in yellow. At first I wanted to apply a light base color layer and tone it down it with a wash, but by mixing in white, it looked nicely faded, so that I used a lighter one than the intended wash. Of course, the pants should look similar raggedy and so I decided to keep them beige. I wanted Tuco to give the impression of a poor helper.

Dead Mans Hand - Banditos Tuco


Dead Man’s Hand: Banditos – Part 1

Even though one of McMillers gang members still haven't been introduced, it's time to turn the attention to the antagonists. Finn will take over at this point and introduce his Banditos by himself and continue our common storyline in Dead Man' Hand.

After I had a long hobby break, Dino spured my interest again. I liked the idea to start a Skirmisher as a joint project and so I began to gather a posse in the Wild West. The models are all from Great Escape Games. So far I had painted only Space Marines and admittedly not very well. I chose to get back into painting by consuming numerous tutorials. For the color concept I wanted to keep the posse quite colorful, they should look like a mixed up bunch, which only had their Mexican roots in common. At the same time, they had a lot in common through the many typical Western leather applications.

Dead Mans Hand - Banditos Hector Villa