Project idea
As part of the "6 Warcaster" series for the Tabletop Insider i started a Khador Warband. But not in red, but in green. Red is ungrateful to paint and i wanted something that would be different. For that reason, i was researching, what options i'd have. I have seen Khador with wintercamo, as a Black Guard even in the red-gold of the Spartans. The russian / soviet roots in mind, i went with green.
Current Status
To end the article series, i slimed down the points to 35, to stay within the time limit. You can see the different steps of painting within the blog. The final result is a solid tabletop standard. It could have been better, and it is not one of my best paintjobs, but given the circumstances it is okay.
Depending on motivation and use, i could imagine to touch them up a bit with more details. Finer highlights and decals from russian vehicles.
Next steps
As the project was reduced to 35 points, there are quite a few miniatures on the sideboard, among them further warjacks, more rifle corps, man-o-wars and bigger things like the Colossal and a Battle Engine. But actually, due to the Update to Mk III and the lack of playing this game, i tend to sell the larger unpainted parts, like the Battle Engine and most of the sideboard.