
WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 2

Last time I showed two Gloomspite Gitz with spears that I can most likely use somehow in any lineup. This time it's the Loonboss's turn.

WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Loonboss WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Loonboss

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Crisis 2024 – Part 1

It is finaly back - Crisis could again hosted in 2024, after the last instalment in 2019.

The break had multiple reasons, and after the forced break due to Covid, the aftermaths of Brexit made organizing an event quite difficult, especially as one of the unique aspects of Crisis was the large amount of british manufacturers and traders at the show. In 2022 and 2023 there was a smaller convention at the club rooms of the Tinsoldiers, with support of the Lardies, creating LARDwerp, which we visited as well back in 2022. And due to scheduling conflicts with the new venue, it had to be moved from the first weekend in November towards September.

TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024

What is new about Crisis? First of all, it is not just the Tinsoldiers of Antwerp hosting the show, but they joined forced with the HQ Gaming Club and used the 't Bau-huis in Sint Niklaas as the new venue. While it might (currently?) not be the at Waagnatie in Antwerp anymore, the new venue is a proper alternative for the restart. About 15 minutes outside of Antwerp, you can easily get there by train from the Central Station (with the IC-line you can drive every half an hour, and it's about 7 EURs for a weekend ticket), as the venue is just 500m from the local train station. For those of you arriving by car, there are is a parking lot and even some charging stations for BEVs.

TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024

The tickets were 12 EURs (dropped to 10 EUR, due to some last minute cancellations of vendors) and visitors under the age of 14 had free entry. Due to keeping the risk and costs as low as possible for the restart, there wasn't a show miniature this year, but that might be for the reason as well, as the show didn't have a topic this year, unlike it did in the past. So we might see that return in the future.

TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024


Crisis 2024 – Part 2

Now that we have finished the traders in part 1 of our CRISIS 2024 coverage, let us move on towards the clubs and gaming systems.

A very special guest at the show was Tuomas Pirinen with Trench Crusade. I follow this system for a while now, as they have a very active facebook group, with various conversions and I was excited to see the miniatures at show.

The setup was a bit spontaneous, as Tuomas had little time to prepare much more, as he basically finished his regular work day as Game Designer for Sony Playstation and directly jumped into a plane towards Belgium, grabbing just the few items that fit into the luggage.

TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade
TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade TinSoldiers of Antwerp - Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade


Adeptus Titanicus – House Moritain Ad Arma Pt. I

As each of my titan legios will cover an allied Knight Household, I want to start with those supporting Legio Astraman.

Adeptus Titanicus - House Moritain

According to the Adeptus Titanicus supplement Loyalist Legios this would be the Knights of House Moritain, due to its ties to the Forge World Graia.


Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 32 to 37

On Friday, August 30th of 2024, the 7th package of the german Stormbringer magazine by Hachette arrived, covering the issues 32 to 37. With this shipment we get the second bigger premium content out of four, along with a shift of the Stormbringer content away from the Stormcast Eternals vs. Kruleboyz towards some of the other factions of Age of Sigmar.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 32 to 37 Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 32 to 37


August 2024 review

Welcome to September, quite the busy month ahead of us.

I dropped by my local Warhammer Store, who just had their 6th anniversary, to pick up the miniature of the month along with the new Stormcast sculpts and a bit of yellow for "projects". Impressive to see how more dynamic the Stormcast Eternals have become, especially compared to the very first releases with the rather bulky Liberators.

Games Workshop - Paints and Sprues Games Workshop - Miniature of the Month

Anyhow, the miniature of the month is a great series for me, as I can pick up models that will be used in the scale comparison shots of our reviews, without me having to buy the entire box and it provides value for our readers.


Horus Heresy – Mechanicum Thanatar Cavas Siege-Automata

Along with the individual kits from the Mechanicum Battlegroup there are three novelties for pre-order this Saturday, the new supplement for Horus Heresy - The Martian Civil War, an Archmagos Prime and the Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata. The last one we're going to build today.

Horus Heresy - Mechanicum Thanatar Cavas Siege-Automata Horus Heresy - Mechanicum Thanatar Cavas Siege-Automata

The Thanatar Automata is the largest walker, that is not a Knight, within the ranks of the Mechanicum and a former resin kit, available in the Cavas or Calix Siege-Automata variants. With the Cavas being the first to the produced in plastic. But don't worry, you will see it further below, the kit (or rather the sprues) are designed in a way, that the armament can be swapped and the Calix variant will likely be covered with a weapon sprue of its own.


Legions Imperialis – Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Exterminator and Annihilators Squadron

And we're covering the third Leman Russ plastic kit, the Exterminator and Annihilators, for Legions Imperialis, after the Leman Russ Strike Squadron, the Executioner and Demolisher today.

Legions Imperialis - Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Exterminator and Annihilators Squadron Legions Imperialis - Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Exterminator and Annihilators Squadron

All four new variants are included as formations in the new Devastation of Tallarn campaign supplement. They start out as squadrons of four and can be upgraded to a squad size of 10. Note, these can not be mixed, each squadron consists only out of one variant. With six different variants of the Leman Russ covered, the only one missing would be the Leman Russ Incinerator, with the Volkite Macro-Saker.


Legions Imperialis – Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills

And the third kit in this wave is are Termite Assault Drills, a unit for the Legiones Astartes.

Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills

The Termite Assault drills are an underground transport vehicle, often used in sieges or during similar heavily fortified scenarios. It is classified as an Imperial Subterrain Vehicle, and not the only one of its kind. Back in the Rogue Traders days, some armies had access to the Mole (used by the Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum and Squats) or Hellbore (Mechanicum and Squats), with variants like the Hades Breaching Drill.


Legions Imperialis – Legiones Astartes Sabre Strike Tank Squadron

A new type of tank for the Legiones Astartes, with the Sabre Strike Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis. These have been expected for quite some time now, as their very distinguished shape was used for the Light Armour units icon.

Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Sabre Strike Tank Squadron Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Sabre Strike Tank Squadron

In this boxed set of 8 Sabre tanks we have the choice between hull mounted neutron blaster or Anvilus autocannon, which means this kit is missing the volkite option, just like the three Leman Russ kits. The rules for the formation of Sabre Strike tanks can be found in The Devastation of Tallarn supplement, and the boxed set will set you back 41,00 EUR / 31,50 GBP RRP.