
Warlord Games Day 2013 – Part 2

On time at 10:00 am the doors opened and the crowd was coming in, for the Warlord Games Day 2013.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

The entrance was quite full and the queue went on and on down the stairs and further in front of the building. In the hall you saw a lot of well known faces, like mentioned earlier before, Aly Morrison, Michael and Alan Perry, with their napoleonic table, presenting Black Powder.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Another famous guest was Alessio Cavatore, who was around the show, and available for a chat or two. Well, as long as the didn't host any Q&A, answering questions to some the many rules system he has written (or signing those like in the second picture).

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Steve Morgan, author of Pike & Shotte and head of sales at Warlord Games, hosted together with a club the matching table.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

And a fictional american civil war scenario in 15mm. Impressive sight!

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

The warlord games booth was heavily visited. Busy warehousemen had a lot to do and resupplied from the warehouse or directly from the production.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Hail Caesar was shown at this table, with a scene similiar to the battle in the first minutes of Gladiator.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

And of course, Bolt Action wasn't left out, presented on a couple of tables. On one of the tables was even the mighty Maus!

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

A few general impression of Warlord Games Day, that was visited by more than 400 (!) wargamers. Impressive amount of visitors for the first show.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Mantic was there as well and had two gaming tables with Kings of War and Dreadball, beside their sales booth.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Of course the well being was assured on this sunny day. Tasty catering at very reasonable prices was offered outdoors.

Warlord Games Day 2013

Even more pictures and information from the Warlord Games Day in part III of the coverage.

Posted by Dennis B.

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