
Goblin Aid and Crisis

The Goblin Aid Miniatures are available, and as it is a really great charity i support this purpose. Goblin Aid is a project launched by Ian 'Geronimo' Brumby (of Fenris Games) and Jon 'Dags' Atter (cat-herder for the Frothers Charity projects) to raise funds for Kev Adams to help in his recovery.

On March 20th Kev Adams was brutally assaulted during a robbery at his home. In no time some of the finest sculptors in the miniature business volunteered to sculpt goblin miniatures that could be sold to support Kev. Ral Partha took care of the production, with all profits going direct to Kev himself.

There is great variety of miniatures to choose from, or even the whole set. I got myself 7 goblins that really appealled to me, from Werner Klocke, Kev White to Tre Manor.

Goblin Aid Goblin Aid

And I am just back from Antwerpen, visiting this years Crisis. What a show! Amazing work done by the TinSoldiers of Antwerp. It is a 1 day event, 2 large halls and just 10 euro per ticket. Included into this ticket is like the last years, a show only miniature (shown below).

Crisis 2013

It was a busy event, meeting a lot of people, seeing a tons of new products and amazing game tables. I'll post the coverage starting next week. I was very happy to meet many friends from the wargaming community and get to know some people in person. Among them Stephan Huber from Pro Gloria Miniatures and Paul Hicks himself (yay!). The two of them are preparing a Plastic Kit Kickstarter for the Pro Gloria Landsknecht Range. Keep an eye out for this one!

Stephan Huber, Ich, Paul Hicks

And of course nobody can visit an event like this, without spending at least a little bit of money on miniatures, accessoires and terrain. Thanks a lot for the great deals and products;

William from Plastic Soldier Company, Alexandre from Studio Tomahawk, Martin from  Warbases and Christoph from Rooster Model.

Crisis 2013 Crisis 2013 Crisis 2013

I am going to do a follow up post, to go more into detail on what i bought on Crisis, but now i have to prepare the coverage and get ready for next weeks Radaddel Open Wide Door Day!

Posted by Dennis B.

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