
The Worlds 2014 – Day 3

The final day of The Worlds, Sunday. A new trophy was seen next to the others, a nice little Diorama.

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

You could see a little bit of exhaustion on one or the other players, but the mood was still great. In the afternoon the last pairings were announced. Some players did so good, they couldn't be overtaken anymore and were already in the winning ranks.

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

For the last time, complete concentration. Never the less, time for some shenanigans.

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

And as a special The Worlds bonus, last minute parking lot pictures. I can't let you folks down 😉

The Worlds 2014 The Worlds 2014

3 buzy days are over. I met a lot of people, had some great chats and still am impressed about the fairness and polite behaviour. I have seen other events in a similar size, but this one beats them all by the organisation, the familiar touch, the location and the overall conclusion. And i wasn't the only person, that felt that way. In the end, some of the visitors from really far away, took the chance to thank the host, Martin and Komicon, for the great weekend and asked them, to host the games next year again.

The results are in and can be found here;

As final words, I'd like to pay my highest respect to the hosts and all the participants, who spared no efforts to make this whole event work.

Posted by Dennis B.

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