
Citadel Painting Handle

End of the year is always time for terrain and hobby supplies at Games Workshop, so around Christmas we got a new painting handle by Citadel.

Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle

There are a couple of different approachs to this topic. Beside the basic not using a miniature holder, there are a few non-commercial / non-professional ways, like using caps, cork or paint pots and glue or tack the miniature on top. Other commercial products of miniature holders or grips are around 15 EUR upwards, so the pricing of Games Workshop at 6,50 EUR is surprisingly cheap.

I use the PK-Pro miniature holder V2 for some miniatures and for other items, I use spray can caps or paint pots, the P3 pots are larger than other paint pots so have a better grip. So it was interesting to see, how the Citadel Paint Handle handles.

StarWars PIP Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle

The Citadel Paint Handle is made from black plastic and has a bulb shaped handle with two movable pieces that hold the miniature. They are connected with a spring and holds the base of the miniature in the center. On the packaging of the handle it shows how it works with 25, 32 and 40mm round bases. The movable pieces are angled on the inside to give a firm grip on the bases and are concave shaped for round bases.

So how this paint handle work with older bases sizes and forms. 20mm and 25mm square work with the handle. The holders don't spread wide enough for larger square bases like 40mm.

Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle

Other base forms, like the 25x50mm cavalry base, hexagons or round lip bases fit into the handle as well. As for the flat bases (like Renedra), those fit as well.

Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle

The handle has a good grip and fit, it lies well in the hand. And has a proper grip on the miniature / base as well (in case you paint upside down or want to use it in down under). Compared to other handles, for example like the PK-Pro, it doesn't have a L-shaped extension for a different grip (where you hold the miniature between your index finger and thumb).

Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle Games Workshop - Citadel Painting Handle

The price on this paint handle is incredibly well at 6,50 EUR. In fact, it was so good, that the handle is basically (currently?) no longer available at Games Workshop and you have to take a look at some independ stores, that still have some stock. Combined with some other tools, like the Tamiya Spray-Work painting stand set, it is a useful addition.

Due to the bulb shape and medium size of the handle, it is a more comfortable item to hold compared to smaller items, like paint pots or corks. And as such for longer painting session a favorable solution. Depending on your painting style, this tool might improve your painting quality, as it minimize "jitter". This does not go exclusively with this painting handle, but some of the commercial solutions in general. But with the low price this is a solid solution to start with.

I hope Games Workshop has it back in stock soon, as many people would like to get hold of it and I can understand that.

Link: Games Workshop


Posted by Dennis B.

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