
Campaign Sea Lion 2018

It is time to take another approach and try to loot the Island for pewter, plastic and resin! Thursday we head over to the UK, for a short trip to the "Leadbelt" of Nottingham as well as paying a visit to the Salute on saturday.

Salute is the largest wargaming event in the UK, hosted by the South London Warlords at ExCel London on April 14th. Crisis in Antwerp is hard competition in size to this event, as it is larger on floor terms, but Salute is more international and has the benefit of being british homeground.

Salute 2018 - Floor Plan Salute 2018 - Miniature Lest We Forget

Last time I was in London myself for Salute was two years ago in 2016, I covered my visit here (Salute 2016 Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV). Even without being there myself, the superb spy connections, that we're building upon this Campaign Sea Lion as well, were able to retrieve some important ressources last year in 2017.

South London Warlords - Salute 2016 South London Warlords - Salute 2016 Salute 2016 - Wargames Foundry

Salute 2016 - Osprey Games Salute 2016 - Second Thunder Salute 2016 - Freebooter Miniatures

I am looking forward to see the renovated Warhammer World as well, as my last visit was a couple of years ago (along with the first Warlord Games Day in 2013). I've been there already a couple of times, among them 2004 (see Warhammer World 2004), so it is going to be interesting to see how they improved and re-decorated. Looking forward for the new improved gaming area and miniature exhibition. Quite excited.

Warhammer World - 2004 Warhammer World - 2004 Warhammer World - 2004

Warhammer World Warhammer World Bugmans Bar

I'll try and sneak in some coverage on the new Warlord Games store (and with some luck even some teasers) and new Mantic HQ.

All in all, this is going to be an awesome couple of days, as we're having a prolonged guys weekend, playing a game, with tasty food and cold beers. If you're not already following me on Instagram or Facebook, this is the perfect chance to stay updated on our trip.

Posted by Dennis B.

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