
7th Rhein Main Multiversum 2019

Due to the so-so weather, I didn't take the scenic route through the Taunus towards Nidderau, just north-east of Frankfurt, but the Autobahn. Because once again and for the 7th time, the Tabletop Club Rhein-Main hosted their Rhein-Main Multiversum at the Willi-Salzmann hall during the whole weekend.

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The event has grown a bit since last year. They improved some things like free wi-fi at the location (making it easier to post and share directly from the show). The TC Rhein-Main invites quite a lot communities and clubs from the wargaming scene to participate in this event, a couple of traders joint in and there were held multiple tournaments over the weekend. And of course, the Hessian hospitality wasn't missed, as snacks and bbq were offered for reasonable prices.

7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019

7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019

Ad Arma from Speyer was there and hosted multiple tables. They have their own show in just two weeks, in Meckenheim (the one in palatine, not near Bonn). It's on my schedule. The Black Hawk Down table was played with Bolt Action rules, using miniatures by Spectre and Eureka. The aerial combat game is the danish In Clouds of Glory, and uses three dimension to move for the fighter pilots of World War 1.

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Some may know Dizzyfinger from the TabletopWelt, with his Youtube Stream and ongoing thread on open painting. He brought along a proper Adeptus Titanicus table including multiple armies on display.

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Asgard Aschaffenburg was there as well, like last year, and promoting their upcoming TableTopia on July 6th and 7th. They were at Tactica as well. And hosted a Fallout table, that won best-of-show, along with a Crooked Dice Ghostbusters table and Freebooters Fate.

7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019 7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019

Conflict Rheinland brought their Spectre 2.0 table with them, covering Operation Fury in 20mm. They have a convention coming up as well, on June 22nd and 23rd.

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And Team Würfelkrieg hosting their table of Modiphius Star Trek miniature role playing tabletop. Dino tried that out, so feel free to ask him about it!

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The "landlord" Martin "Zigor" used Lion Rampant to tell another tale from the Hessian history, with the Perrys HYW miniatures range.

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The Dark Eyes, who brought Battlegroup with a 15mm scenario of Operation Cobra to the show, will host their own event in October in Buchen-Hainstadt.

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Due to our coverage on the wild west posses, Axel from Shootout in Dingstown invited us to give his rules a try, but we missed the first chance at Crisis last year. We had a 4 warband last-man-standing and quite a blast. If you want to try out the game for yourself, either grab a book online or give it a go at Ad Arma in two weeks.

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World War II Kampfzone covered a couple of pulp elements, including the mechanical hound from Wolfenstein.

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On the gallery the Beer-riot table was shown along with some demo tables of Battlefleet Gothic (along with the Bembel BFG Cup), and even a bring & buy.

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The first tournament hold on that weekend was the DBMM event. On saturday there will be an Adeptus Titanicus and Infinity tournament as well.

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My haul from the show: a couple of stickers and pins, the Tabletop Rhein Main Shirt and a small bag of bits from the bring & buy.

7. Rhein Main Multiversum 2019

I had a good time at the show. It was great to meet some people, that I missed last Crisis or at Tactica. That is one of the things, that I appreciate with the smaller shows. They are less crowded, you have more time to have a chat and are more familiar. At larger shows like Salute or Crisis, I have my shopping list, save on show offers and due to not paying shipping, so it's not until early afternoon that you actually have time for a game or proper chat.

It is good to see that the show has grown and more people participate, especially that the communities support each other on their events by hosting gaming tables. It was a bit of a pitty that a few of the traders cancelled last minute, but that's how it is sometimes.

Next year the show will be held later, in autumn and not spring. Count me in!

Link: Tabletop Club Rhein-Main

Posted by Dennis B.

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