
Frostgrave: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure – Part 6

"But Dino, you haven't even finished your other warband" I can hear you say and yes, of course you are right, but with the second warband I am able to meet a few more goals.

On the one hand I got these two ladies from Nick Eyre of North Star Military Figures, under the premise to paint them and leave the pictures to him. I am happy about that, because the female wizards' box is really snazzy and it was no problem to create a witch and her pupil from it.

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure

On the other hand, I would like to have a second warband that is roughly equal to the Necromancer in terms of strength. I don't know if I'll be able to do that, but I'd like to play a small campaign and at home my wife is the most likely to get excited about fantasy. However, I have found it easier to persuade her to play a few games when the main characters are ladies and doesn't have to do any of the painting - in the end she's just a regular player of usually pretty regular games.

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure

The theme of the second warband should come across a bit chivalrous, as if the witch is a court wizard and is hot on the heels of the necromancer and his motley crew with a well-equipped and disciplined troop. I guess necromancers have an even worse reputation than witches after all.

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure

Overall I am satisfied with the appearance, although I will probably adjust the King's soldier with the broadsword again, because I don't like the slim part of the sword hilt. Because he has a very gruff face, I will probably give him one of the axes from the barbarians, like he is the executioner of the posse.

Gordula Wolkenbruch, court wizard of the king, and her retinue

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure

Maybe I'll build another simple squire or two, or even a proper knight. Just something to complete the picture. How do you design your bands? Do you spin a little story in your mind, do you follow a certain theme, or do you just let yourself be carried away? Let us know!


Greetings from Felstad


Posted by Dino

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