
A visit to…ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

As I worked at away from home again, I had the chance to maintain my contacts within the tabletop community and to establish new ones. So I took the opportunity to visit the ACWF in Aachen this week.

"ACWF, that stands for Aachener Warhammer Fans and is a name that dates back to the days when Warhammer was more popular," Stephan, the first chairman of the ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde, explained to me as he greeted me on my visit to the clubs premises.

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

Stephan has been a member of the club since 2013, which is not registered as such, but with about 60 members otherwise fully functions as one. The club's rooms are available to members around the clock, depending on how you arrange to play in the ACWF's Discord group.

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

Overall, I found the club to be very open and friendly. Although I didn't have the opportunity to actively play anything, Stephan and I had a long chat about this and that in the hobby - as is the way among hobbyists.

A few decorative pieces from the clubs hobby room

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

Most of the games played are the main systems from GW, but everything else for which an active group of players can be found is also offered. For example, while we were chatting, a game of Infinity was running on one of the four tables that are available. There are no fixed days for the systems, but most of the time the game activity around certain systems also settles on fixed days. For example, AoS is often played on Wednesdays, even though it is not an "official" date.

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

Many terrain pieces are already available in the club and consist either of donations from club members, or are purchased from the club's funds.

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

With Taschengelddieb, the ACWF has a strong partner at its side, because Andre Millbrett was already a member of the club before he started his own business selling tabletop and gaming products. Also interesting: before being accepted into the club, a trial game is completed for the purpose of getting to know each other. This ensures that new members don't miss out on the well-cultivated cooperative idea that underlies the clubs mentality.

This is very important for the club members because, as Stephan always emphasizes, interaction is the very nature of the hobby.

The revenues from the drinks contribute to the club

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

In the reading corner everyone can borrow a novel who is looking for some inspiration

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

So if you are in the Aachen area and would like to play a game, the Discord channel of the ACWF is highly recommended - just point it out, usually someone will answer within a short time.


Greetings from Aachen


Posted by Dino

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