
February 2024 review

Welcome to march, and a march it was.

I was able to finish book 20 of the Horus Heresy Audiobooks, which covers multiple stories on the Primarch ... and I was a bit surprised how much of a prick Johnson can be, but moved on to the next book, Fear to Tread, covering Sanguinus and the Blood Angels. Already about 25% through and with some hobby time on the weekend, will progress further.

Horus Heresy - Audiobooks Primarchs

The next shipment from Stormbringer arrived and we updated the overview, and will provide an unboxing like we did with issues 01 to 03. Of course the content will be part of the Warcry coverage.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 04 to 07

I had a bit of time in the evening to share some hobby time with my daughter. And we did some basics, basing! A great activity to get the young ones started. We used this to get the two Warcry warbands based, along with the Solar Auxilia (more content below).

Daddy Daughter Hobby Time Daddy Daughter Hobby Time

I came across this book in one of the latest videos by Squidmar Miniatures. And I had to look it up, if I could get my hands on it. It's a childrens book by the Sven Nordqvist, the author of Festus and Mercury (Pettersson and Findus), about a little girl who waits for the bus and one of the boys waiting along here, has a box with miniatures on his lap. Interesting story and currently one of the favorite stories for bedtime of my daughter.

sven nordquist - Lisa wartet auf den Bus sven nordquist - Lisa wartet auf den Bus sven nordquist - Lisa wartet auf den Bus

And I finished assembling the Solar Auxilia Battle Group this weekend, as I didn't build all of the Lasrifle Sections yet. but I took care of that during the weekend. I hope to start painting them soon, to see if they are able to hook me and to motivate me to extend this army group. In the preview on the Solar Auxilia I already shared with you the intention for the paint jobs.

Horus Heresy - Solar Auxilia Horus Heresy - Solar Auxilia Horus Heresy - Solar Auxilia

But I want a showcase Allied Detachment of Imperial Fists, and I got myself some marines for that, along with some bits and 3d printed pieces. But these will stay boxed until I've finished the Solar Auxilia. I want to build a breacher squad with some consuls and a siege dreadnought.

Horus Heresy - Imperial Fists Allied Detachment

Toward the end of this month will be Bitbox, and I'm so looking forward to this. Not because I want to buy something or am looking for something specific, but for the comradery.

Posted by Dennis B.

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