Legions Imperialis – Mechanicum Triaros Squadron
Within the Mechanicum Battle Group for Legions Imperialis are not only infantry and walkers, but an armoured transport vehicle as well - the Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a squadron of four. We even recently covered the 32mm variant plastic kit from the Horus Heresy range on here as well.
Currently only available as part of the Mechanicum Battle Group the Triaros Squadron will be available as a set of its own shortly. As usual we get two identical sprues, the instructions are part of the combined booklet and at least as part of the Battle Group it does not come with decals. But this was the case with any of the vehicle kits from the Legiones Astartes or Solar Auxilia, and if you ask me the icon on the side doors of the Triaros shown above are decals as well, so we might see these in a later release.
Legions Imperialis – Mechanicum Thanatar Siege-Automata
Another kit that we just recently build in full scale of Horus Heresy, the Mechanicum Thanatar Siege-Automata. And while the larger brother is currently "just" available as the Thanatar Cavas Siege Automata, the new sprue as part of the Mechanicum Battle Group covers both, the Cavas and Calix Siege Automata.
Availability currently limited to the Battle Group, we will see this box of 8 of the Thanatar Siege-Automata somewhere in the close future at a RRP of 41 EUR, covering two identical sprues and eight bases with 32mm diameter.
Legions Imperialis – Mechanicum Battle Automata
In between the regular Mechanicum Infantry and the largest of the Siege Automata are various classes of Battle Automata the (Dark) Mechanicum can muster, and that is another new set as part of the Mechanicum Battle Group.
This set combines five different Battle Automata, with the first time we've seen the Arlatax Battle-Automata and small versions of the Castellax, Domitar and Vorax Battle-Automata as well as the Vultarax Strato-Automata.
Legions Imperialis – Mechanicum Infantry
Among the sets from the Mechanium Battle Group is a whole new set of Mechanicum Infantry with quite a lot of units covered in a single kit. As of today these only available through the battle group but will be released as individual kits soon.
The RRP of the Battle Group is 125 EUR for four sets of different Mechanicum units, compared to 41 EUR RRP for a single set of two sprues with bases (25mm round in this set) and an instruction leaflet.
Legions Imperialis – Mechanicum Battle Group
A proper start for the Mechanicum in Legions Imperialis, not with single boxes but directly with a Battle Group boxed set and a new campaign supplement The Rise of the Dark Mechanicum to cover the rules for these new units.
This trend to introduce new units as a bigger boxed set is something that we saw for a while now with the Horus Heresy, we received the "full scale" Mechanicum this way, the Solar Auxilia and most of the updated Marks for the Legiones Astartes.
The Mechanicum Battle Group is available as of today (October 19th) for pre-order and will be released on Saturday November 2nd 2024.
The way Games Workshop counts the miniatures for Legions Imperialis is a bit irritating, as they count each model individually (for example crew of weapon platforms count as individual models), so the 40 Tech-Thralls boost that number quite a bit. In this case you get 146 miniatures in their epic scale for 95 GBP / 125 EUR RRP. Unlike the two other Battle Groups for Solar Auxilia and Legiones Astartes, the Mechanicum "only" covers four boxes instead of five, which is the reason why this boxed set is a bit cheaper than the other ones. What individual kits these are, will be answered further below.
Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda IV – Part 2
I gave you a brief overview on the first evening of the Battle for Uulda Part IV campaign weekend, so let us continue to the "main event" - the gaming on day two.
This year we put a bit more effort into the narrative, adding fan fiction to the conflict. We added the Uulda subsector in the Segmentum Pacificus, and Patrick / AuxiliaryMirelurk prepared an introduction on the lore as well.
Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda IV – Part 1
After last years gaming weekend, and my first time playing Adeptus Titanicus, the Battle for Uulda continued.For this we met pretty central in Germany and travelled from the North, the South and the West to get together to roll some dice and decide the fate of the Uulda subsector. Initially we were 8 players in total, with not only the stress of finishing the miniatures in time but as most of us are wargaming daddies, stay healthy long / get well soon enough for the weekend, with Hauke unfortunately having to cancel last minute and me held together by some meds.We had three different tables available, Uulda Prime, Uulda Minoris and the ash desert of the orbital moon, all equipped with fitting terrain.
While the others bridged the time until everybody was there with Heroquest, quickly after I arrived on Friday late afternoon we picked up Titanicus, to refresh our knowledge of the rules (as for some of us, the last Battle for Uulda was the last time, we actually played Adeptus Titanicus). In case you want to freshen or get completely into the game, these videos by Tabletop Standard are very helpful.
Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda IV Titan Walk
After the Battle for Uulda we used the chance that we were all together, had the miniatures and terrain out and build a quick setup to take some pictures of our maniples. Some were the same, you saw in last years battles and titan walk, others were new builds or had new miniatures added to them.
We used the gaming mats, along with the vast terrain collection of our host Broncofish, who had both the Civitas Imperialis terrain and his own 3d printed terrain, that he sculpted himself for GrimDarkTerrain.
Horus Heresy – Mechanicum Thanatar Cavas Siege-Automata
Along with the individual kits from the Mechanicum Battlegroup there are three novelties for pre-order this Saturday, the new supplement for Horus Heresy - The Martian Civil War, an Archmagos Prime and the Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata. The last one we're going to build today.
The Thanatar Automata is the largest walker, that is not a Knight, within the ranks of the Mechanicum and a former resin kit, available in the Cavas or Calix Siege-Automata variants. With the Cavas being the first to the produced in plastic. But don't worry, you will see it further below, the kit (or rather the sprues) are designed in a way, that the armament can be swapped and the Calix variant will likely be covered with a weapon sprue of its own.