Feldherr Inlay for Beastgrave
Just in time for Spiel in Essen the foam inlays by Feldherr are ready for the next season of Warhammer Underworlds Beastgrave.
I received the friendly package shortly after my review on the starterkit, and as I already have the starter boxes of the first two seasons upgraded with the foam inlays, I was looking forward to do so with Beastgrave as well.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Thundrik’s Profiteers
We covered Ylthari's Guardians earlier this week and are closing on the Nightvault coverage with the last of the warbands of season 2, Thundrik's Profiteers.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Ylthari’s Guardians
Let's head into the last week of our Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault coverage with the two latest warbands, Yltharis Guardians and Thundrik’s Profiteers. Where as we're starting today with the Sylvaneth boxed set.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Eyes of the Nine
Along with Zarbag's Gitz the Eyes of the Nine were released late 2018. Introducing the followers of Tzeentch to the game. Therefore adding after two warbands devoted to Khorne and the undivided Godsworn Hunt, another part of the pantheon of chaos.
The warband of the Eyes of the Nine is a supplement for Warhammer Underworlds (Nightvault) and costs 22.50 EUR. It is available without the cards as an Easy-to-Build kit for 20 EUR. The 6 models come in two light-blue plastic sprues and come with a card deck and instructions for assembly.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Zarbag’s Gitz
Zarbags Gitz were one of the first warbands released for Nightvault, late last year and with the recent release of the Gloomspitze Gitz it makes sense to take a closer look at them.
The warband of Moonclan Grots (formerly known as Nightgoblins) is the largest of them available for Underworlds so far and after the Orruks of Ironskull's Boyz the second greenskin warband.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Godsworn Hunt
Paired up with Mollog's Mob, the second warband that isn't part of a regular Age of Sigmar faction is introduced as a warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Godsworn Hunt.
Godsworn Hunt belongs to the chaos pantheon, but unlike the Reavers or Magore's Fiends, not devoted solely to Khorne, but part of the Darkoath. The Darkoath is so far covered by two miniatures in the Age of Sigmar range, with a Warqueen, as part of Malign Portent, and a Chieftain, who was introduced with Warhammer Quest. And they are covered in the Roll Models webcomics shown on Warhammer Community, and at best compared with the chaos marauder tribes of the Old World.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Mollog’s Mob
During Warhammer Fest Europe last year the new season of Underworlds Nightvault was announced, we were told that factions would be introduced to the game that haven't been released for Warhammer or Age of Sigmar. Thus bringing us the warbands of Mollog's Mob and Godsworn Hunt.
Let's start with Mollog's Mob today. The warband was released early this year, but already previewed at Spiel in Essen, where it was shown fully painted during the event.
Warhammer Underworlds Organised Play 2019
I covered the Organised Play box from the first season of Underworlds, and was able to get my hands on the new 2019 set that was released to support Nightvault. These sets are available to stores as event support sets, and the content should be used as prize support for instore events, like tournaments or leagues.
And please let me point this out again, as there were questions about it on the last article. These boxes are meant to be acquired by store owners to support their tournaments and similar events, and not to be sold to players / consumers directly. The items in these boxes are intended to be won, not bought.
Returning to Warhammer Underworlds
I return to Nightvault, or better said, the Warhammer Underworld series. I did an unboxing of the Organised Play 2018 boxed set for the first season Shadespire a couple of days ago. As these were re-packed for the several waves, I could only show you the alternate artwork cards for Steelheart's Champions and Garrek's Reavers. I managed to trade Spiteclaws Swarms alternate artwork cards and would like to show them to you here.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault
In Summer I've already covered with Shadespire the initial start of the Warhammer Underworlds series, now in autumn the next wave for Nightvault is released.
With the release of the Nightvault starter box, the competitive board game goes into its second season. The content is similar to the previous starter box, you receive two warbands, rules, tokens, dice, cards and two boards with hex fields, for 50 EUR. The game is fast paced, so you can play a match in 30-45 minutes and competitive matches are usually decided by the best out of 3 matches in a row. The included warbands come as usual for the Underworlds range in pre-coloured plastic and are push-fit (so you do not need glue to assemble the miniatures). All in all, a self-containing set, focused on competitive players and newcomers to the miniature (board) game hobby alike.