
Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

After the event coverage, here's my loot post from Hamburg Tactica 2023.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Loot

I got myself some reinforcements for World War 2, adding the Bofors gun by Rubicon for my 8th Army and got the new Sd.Kfz. 250 plastic kit for review purposes. The large Start Collecting! Box for Age of Sigmar covering the new mortal Chaos, was something I got from Fritz the Brushzerker, I've been tempted by that box for a long time and the updated range really speaks to me. Maybe we will see more of them as I got my hands on the army box, including the new Daemon Prince as well.


Hamburg Tactica 2023

After 4 years, we're back at TACTICA in Hamburg! Our last visit was back in 2019.

TACTICA is Germanys largest wargaming convention and usually held in february (this varied in the last years a bit) in the Wilhelmsburg Community Center. I'll talk about how to plan a trip and combine the show with other things in Hamburg in a separate post. The show is open two days, Saturday and Sundays and usually the first is the more crowded one.

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Hamburg Tactica 2023 Hamburg Tactica 2023

TACTICA covers trade stands and participation / demo rounds of various games, in different scales and settings. You'll find historical as well as ficitional setups, with detailed tables and many wargaming clubs work all year to prepare their demos for the show.


Titans, pirates and the weekend

Busy week - published my review on the Nemesis Warbringer kit yesterday and completed the pictures for the upcoming review on the Manufactorum Imperialis terrain kit for Adeptus Titanicus.

Adeptus Titanicus - Nemesis Warbringer Titan with Quake Cannon Adeptus Titanicus - Manufactorum Imperialis


Tactica 2019 – Part 1

As teasered last week, I went to Tactica in Hamburg! As this was a prolonged weekend in the pearl of the north, my - better said our - trip started on friday late noon.

Hamburger Tactica 2019 Hamburger Tactica 2019


Tactica 2019 – Part 2

The coverage of Part 1 continues with the prominent guests of Tactica.

The twin brothers Michael and Alan Perry were at the show, sculpting, having a chat with the guests and even added one of the show miniatures. But they weren't alone, they had Aly Morrison (who sculpted the Great War Miniatures range) and Peter Dennis (artists of multiple box artworks, Osprey and Warlord Games published works, and of Peters Paperboys).

Hamburger Tactica 2019 Hamburger Tactica 2019


Tactica 2019 – Pleasant Anticipation!

It is actually happening! I'll be at Tactica in Hamburg for the first time! I've been to Hamburg multiple times, but never made it during february, when the well known German wargames show Tactica is hosted.

Hamburg - Miniaturwunderland 2016 Hamburg Hamburg

In 2016 we headed with a motley crew to Stahl auf der Heide, the open day of the tank museum at Munster.